
i know you won't believe it...BUT IT WAS REAL

the pasta

so one day i was browsing the internet or some shit when i came across a page called "". like a fucking moron,i clicked it. it was an all black site with yellow text sprawling across it saying "GIYGAWS.EXEE SUPR SCARY". i clicked teleported to the title screen of mother 3. but ness had hyper realistic eyes.i pressed lay. a text box appeared that said "I AM GOD BITCH". i assumed it was a glitch. it starts in the giygas cave but the music was playing in reverse. i then got to pokey. he SaID I UM GAWD. and the battle began. the music was the screaming from angry birds cursed eddtion. i tried to have jeff use his attack but it said YOUR'E NEXT". ness then killed poo. paula sreamed "NESS DAFUQ".