
On a stormy night there was a wonderful demon named Grendel. His mommy was very mean to him. He would cry every time his mommy smacked him. So one day he got so mad he left on a journey to take over the world.
As rain was pouring on top of him he saw the might mountain Kitty-Pants. He sprinted towards the mountain. The great Kitty-Pants Dragon saw him and flew from the mouth of Kitty Mountain Cave. Grendel had to fight the kitty-pants dragon breathed fried at Grendel. Grendel dove to the right. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw an double-bladed axe.

He ran to it as fast as he could. The dragon almost burned him with his angry fire breath. Grendel took the axe and jumped up the dragons back! He kept on slashing until t fell to the ground. After the dragon surrendered He continued to climb up Kitty-Pants mountain when he reached the top ' he saw the giant volcanoes of Mordor. Grendel looked and saw the Sands of Time blasting from the largest volcano.
Michael Jackson sprang out from the Sands of Time and started to moonwalk. He started to sing thriller. Grendel covered his ears because the music was so horrible! Grendel was screaming in pain and almost gave up when
Ms.Singletary fell from the sky. She landed on Michael Jackson. He was so scared that he ran away not the volcano.
He was exhausted by the time he got to Mordor. He saw the magic pie of power. He stumbled toward it. Before he could reach it Whinny the Pooh appeared from nowhere and stole the pie, vanishing into thin air. Grendel screamed at the top of his lungs. AHHHH! Everyone ran back to there homes.
Grendel took a huge swing of his axe where the pie had been set. He smashed the area around him and created 5,000 rock golems. The golems kidnapped him and took him back to his mommy's house. She put him in timeout and grounded him. Now he was in his room, looking out his window. Someday he will not be grounded anymore; then he will try again to take over the world.