As any self-respecting author, i like to keep my readers hooked. My readers, of course, being people like you. All you people with a fascination for horror. This being my first story, i need inspiration. Thankfully, i have my own little fan club for that. There's only 3 of them so far, but there will be more. You can count on that. All my readers will see me one day when these three run out. Of inspiration, i mean.
Oh, that reminds me, i must thank them for all the hard work they have done to get me here. It's not easy, you know, being hooked. Lets just say I'm glad i bought those restraints! I dont blame them though, really. I mean, i'd scream too if i was flayed alive. Wouldn't you? Have you ever been hooked before? Quite painfull, i can tell you that. All those blades sinking in,ripping, tearing... You'l find out soon enough. Im sort of glad they scream though. As i say, very inspirational. For a horror writer anyway. I do sometimes get blood on the pages, but that gives it character i think. Thats what i do most days. I love to sit there, typing away while listening to the beautiful sound of raw, burning pain.
But i need more. Oh, sorry much more. You've gone t me this far, haven't you? I need people like YOU to inspire me. If you have read this far, it means that you are already hooked. Wont make it any less painfull though, im afraid. Oh well. Im running out of things to say now. I need inspiration. But that can wait till tonight though, cant it? See you then.
Sweet dreams,