
My life is a big joke. I am made for the others, to entertain them and to show them that life isn't that bad. Afterall, there is always someone who has it worse. I didn't meet the one who had a worse life than me. No, I am here to be played with. On school I feel so weak and frighten. Online, I attack and get in trouble. They hate me online, they want me to go away, I can feel it. Nobody wants me. It hurts to know that, even it has been a while knowing that. But it hurts more than ever and the only thing I want is revenge.
George was standing in the hallway, looking to the childeren who were walking pass by. They were in groups, duo's or alone. He wasn't alone anymore. Two of his new friends were next to him, being busy with their phones. George always liked it more to observe other people than playing with his smartphone. Even though it was the newest. He got him for that going to that course,  but more for using all what he learned there. It was a course about  protecting himself against bullies. It really helped him. However, they didn't stop all. 
His parents decided to search a new school for him. George was happy to hear that, hoping that he could start over again. He succeed. He wasn't part of the populair kids, but not a part of the weak freaks either. The bell rang and told them their free hour was done for and they had to go the  next class.
No, the bell. I didn't want to leave the safe classroom. I was safe in my class. The teacher was here to help me. They didn't dare to hurt me when an adult was close. Now I had to dive into the bustle of the childeren walking to their lessons. If they would see me. I stood up and went outside. I had a stomach ache, the fear of being bullied made me sick everytime I came into the danger zone. I hide quick against the wall, hoping that they wouldn't see me. Sometimes I wished that I could be invisible, so that no one would see me and attack me. Someone pushed me and I felt on the ground. It didn't hurt, but that was not my problem. A girl laughed and I looked up. Nightmares. It was her. Dona. One of the monsters. 
George watched Dona when she tripped Amy. The girl felt on the ground and looked to the dirty ground. Dona laughed. George felt angry, but he didn't dare to help her. Yes, he has learned to help another in problems, but he was afraid. Amy stood up and took her bag. Dona was faster and had the bag first. She opened him and started looking in it. She showed a drawing of rabbits. Watership Down was written on it. George knew that book, since his sisser read it. They had seen the movie. Dona looked with a grin to the drawing. "Bunnies?".
Amy tried to take the paper back of her. "That is mine, give it back!". Dona pushed her away. "Nope. It is too childis. When will you grow up?"she asked meanly and ripped the drawing. 
She has gone way too far. I looked how Hazel and his friends came to their end. It was enough. I pushed her against the wall and whispered into her ear; "I'm not a rabbit, I'm not a fox. I'm a hare"
Where did that from? I was sure I looked suprise. I let her go and took my bag. I left behind the pieces of the drawing. Still thinking over what I said, I walked into the classroom, way too late for biology. "Problems"I said against my teacher. He understood it. The whole lesson I thought about it. A hare. But how more I did, how more it felt right. Yes, I was a hare. But I was sick of it. Sick of being a prey. No, this hare would be the hunter now. I had a plan.
Mickey kicked the can away, it bounced against a tree and landed on the grass. George threw his into the litter. Mickey was one of those boys who want to break all the laws if they had the change. Well,not all. Mickey stole a bag of crips, but he would never kill somone. 
George felt safe by him, since he was a long and cool guy. If George stayed his friend, everything will be good.
"Look, it is that weird girl" Mickey said and he pointed to Amy, who was also in the park. She hold something in her hand.
Good, I had my mask. My beautiful mask of a hare. It wasn't a funny one, that would be a joke. No, it was more realistic. Now I had to find my victims. There was always someone of my school in the park. Mickey and George were there. Mickey already saw me. I smiled to the boys. Then I put my mask on and slipped my hand into the pocket of my jack, where my weapon was. A handrake. Something for the garden. But I was sure that it could kill people too. 
Mickey was one of them who bullied me. He wasn't the worse of them, but it was good enough for now. George never botherd me, but he never helped. So, yeah. Two victims.
George panted. Blood was on his clothes. Everything ached and he felt dizzy and sick.  Mickey's dead body was next to him, laying in a plass of blood. The rough wounds in his neck were still bleeding. "You will suffer like I do". George looked up and saw that Amy was still here. She wore a light brown mask of a hare. George couldn't see her face. "Amy, why"he asked and choughed up blood. "I already said"she anwsered him restive. "It will be over for you". 
I hit George with the handrake in his troath and destroyed his artery. Blood sprayed out it and my  mask went dirty. I put the mask up on my forhead and with a smile on my face I looked to George. He died with a tear in his eyecorner. I felt a tear sliding on my cheeck. I finally got my revenge and it felt good. 
The Hare strikes again.
Yesterday the body of Dona was found in the garden of her parent's home. The wounds she died of were made with a handrake. The weapon of The Hare. Dona is the fourth victim. No one knows who The Hare is. But if you ever see a little person with a mask of a hare. Call the police and don't do anything youself.