
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Harold. Harold always enjoyed playing games like Minecraft, or Garry's Mod. But one dreary night, Harold noticed a package on his doorstep.
It looked like one of those orange packages, but it was black. He ran inside to open the package. He got a pair of scissors and cut the opening off the package. Inside was a clear disc case, and inside of the case was a CD that read, 'Play Me' in strange, spidery handwriting. At this point, Harold was getting the chills. He decided to open the disc and put it into his computer, to see if it was anything bad.
The game booted up with a regular, flash game type loading screen. He waited a good, 5 minutes for the game to boot up. After all the waiting, the game's starting screen showed.
The screen looked unusual, static, and it was a game Harold had never seen before. The text read, 'Party' and 'Press Start' in the Minecraft font. He was tempted to throw the game out and just go on with his normal life, but something in his body was intrigued to try this new game.
He pressed the enter button on his keyboard, that took him to the game. It looked like an old Atari 20600 game. It was all static with no music. The main character seemed to be a dot.
The mission was to get you, (the dot) to the end of the level by dodging logs, cars, and other things. It was somewhat easy, Harold got to the end of the level quicker and quicker each time.
But once he got to level 20 there was a shriek every time you got to the end. He took off his headphones, but the screech was so loud, he could hear it clearly through his headphones, even without them on. He unplugged the computer, which stopped the game. He went to sleep and dreamed of him in the game, but instead of dodging the logs and cars, he was being hit by them.
He screamed, but no matter how loud he screamed, the pain wouldn't stop.
Harold soon woke up from the terrible dream, crying. he had a terrible headache, was cut up, from head to toe. He looked terrible. There was only one explanation. He was in the game.