
I got Pokemon Sun and Moon for my 3ds yesterday and I was very excited about it. However, something very bad happened a few hours later.
I loaded the game and started with Litten as my starter. I played for hours and my Litten had reached lvl 55 and was now an Incineroar. With that pokemon I won 5 gym badges and became an excellent player.
However, before I could get to the 6th gym, I talked to a guy who had a free Eevee. He said these words:
"No matter what you will do, please help me with this Eevee. It is very unstable and may get out of control sometimes. Please take it away from me."
I was scared by these words, but I got it. It was a lvl 65 Eevee.
I decided to train it first by winning some battles, but I saw that this certain Eevee was very unusual.
It was so overpowered that it could kill literally everything with Take Down. I won more and more battles after that. I wanted to evolved into an Umbreon, so I could beat the 6th gym easier.
When I reached lvl 66, Eevee started to evolve. I thought that I could get an Umbreon (because it was nighttime), but instead, it evolved into a Pokemon that no one has seen before.
Its name was Helleon. It had a red skin, dark red eyes, sharp claws at his feet, and a tail similar to the devil's. But the weirdest feature was that it was a devil-type pokemon and that all stats were 666. I looked at the Pokedex and I couldn't believe what it said. It said:
"Helleon is going to kill everything in the world"
I thought it was a joke, so I kept Helleon. I saw that it had a new Devil-type move called Hellfire and it had a power and accuracy of 666, which meant that it was the most unsusual yet most powerful Pokemon in the world.
The 6th gym was no problem. Helleon killed everything with its Hellfire attack.
But then something strange happened. The gym leader was dead.
I still thought that it was a joke, so I continued to win more trainers and I manager to reach the 7th gym. This time I won very easily as Helleon won once again by using Hellfire...WITHOUT PRESSING THE ATTACK BUTTON!!!! This meant that Helleon was battling on its own and without commands. Also, it killed the gym leader as well this time and the gym leader's pokemon. Not only that, Helleon killed one of my best Pokemon, a Dragonite.
I was frustrated a lot, but I made progress and defeated the 8th and final gym. The same thing as before happened, but Helleon killed this time another of my Pokemon, a Magmortar.
With Magmortar dead too, I only stayed with Helleon and Incineroar. I went to face the elite four and this time, Helleon was way mire agressive, killing anyone within a few seconds. The first member was easy, the first was easier, the third was a piece of cake, and the last one was defeated within a second, A WHOLE DAMN SECOND!
After the battle, I noticed one thing that angered me a lot.
Incineroar was dead too.
I was very mad, because my started was dead too. I was only with Helleon this time. I wanted to release him, but I had to do one last thing: TO BATTLE THE CHAMPION!
I went in the champion arena, and faced the champion, who had these Pokemon: Mewtwo, Kyogre, Deoxys, Groudon, Rayquaza and Arceus, all legendary and all lvl 100. I knew that this time Helleon would be defeated, but once again, I won immediately.
Suddenly, after saving my data, the screen went black, and moments later, Helleon's face appeared on both screens of my 3DS. Then, it started speaking in a satanic voice:
"So, you worthless mortal slacker, you won the game with me, the Devil Pokemon. I am afraid to say that you have done something that you will pay for this: YOU TRIED TO ENSLAVE ME LIKE ANY OTHER POKEMON. YOU SEE, WHEN I WAS STILL A PATHETIC EEVEE, I MADE MY PREVIOUS OWNER"S LIFE A LIVING HELL, SO HE GAVE ME TO YOU. AND THEN, YOU TRIED TO FORCE ME DEFEAT SEVERAL PATHETIC, WORTHLESS, WEAK, MEDIOCRE POKEMON THAT DO NOT DESERVE A PLACE IN THE GAMES. As I was telling, your punishment for attempted enslavement of me, your punishment is AN ABRUPT END TO YOUR MISERABLE LIFE, YOU NERD!"
I was horrified after seeing Helleon, so I closed my 3DS instantly. I thought it was over and I said it was finally over.
Then, Helleon appeared in front of me and said:
"You said what, David?"
I was scared even more, because he knew my name. Then, Helleon used its Hellfire attack against me and flames surrouned me. Then, Helleon said"
Then I lost my consiousneces...
A few hours later, I woke up in a hospital, with my body full of third degree burns as well as lots of scars. Then my parents said that I would undergo a surgery to remove the burns. I was ready for it....
After I woke up, I saw that I was OK and I returned home. Then, I sent this story to all my friends, warning them about the mysterious man and the Eevee at the 6th gym and told them not to talk to him, otherwise, Helleon would come to their houses.
Since then, I have never played Sun and Moon again.