
As I am typing this, I can feel his brown eyes upon me, watching every sentence that I write.
I am telling you this today because I need people to know, so they don't make the fatal mistakes I made.
It all started this summer, when I was playing my game starbound.
I commonly mod this game to this day, and I was browsing the nexus, and found a mod just labeled "Him", no pictures.
I was curious as to what this mod was, so I downloaded it and put it in my mod folder.
I tried to run it, but it caused an error, so I figured it was incompatible with some of my current mods.
I eventually figured out it was incompatible with every one of my mods, so then I decided to make a new character to test this mod out.
When the character seletion menu popped up, I could only select one species, which was the human race.
As the game loaded up, I noticed that the ship was set up completly different, as it looked more like a glich ship, with the castle style design.
The quest seemed normal, so I decided that if I want to really see the mod, I would just continue.
After I went down with my matter manipulator to the planet, I noticed that the planet seemed dark, damp, and, well, swampy.
I noticed that the first creature I encountered was mainly green, but passed this off, as the creatures randomly generated, and this was not uncommon.
As I continued on exploring, I noticed more and more green creatures, and also I noticed all of the creatures were hostile, but this also can happen, as low of a chance it seems.
When I found the building/town that spawns on every planet, I noticed it was kind of a shack, which I realized was part of the mod.
When I decided to go up, I was checking my inventory, when I found a mannequin named "Body", so I placed it to figureout what it was.
When I placed it, it was a green mannequin that was a little bigger then other mannequins, and when I tried to get it back, it would not break no matter how long I tried.
I decided it didn't take up too much room so I just decided to leave it and go on exploring.
When I opened the travel menu, I noticed that the planet I had been on was labeled with the biome "Swamp", and so was every other planet.
I went to another planet, and it was identical in feel to the last one, green creatures, all hostile, swampy, the shack, etc.
When I got done exploring and mining on this planet, I noticed a white leather shirt in my inventory.
I tried to put the shirt on, but just simply couldn't.
I then tried using it on the green mannequin, and it fit perfectly, going right into place.
I started to think this was a really odd mod I was playing, but was also curious about it, so I continued to play.
I continued to progress, getting a brown leather jacket, then some thin long pants, and then some brown leather footwraps, all of which only fit on the mannequin.
This started to give me childhood memories of a movie I had seen, but I could not find the name of it in my head.
I got the upgrade to go to the Beta sector, and I thought maybe this sector would be different.
When I got there, not only was the feel the same, but so was the amount of ore spawn and creature health.
I wondered why the mod would do this, but this made me even more curious, so I decided to continue on.
In this sector, I got different things than the last in each world, such as a mouth, a big nose, strange ears, all of which fitted on the mannequin.
The game would not let me go down anywhere in the beta sector at this point, so I decided to look at the alpha sector for places to go.
When I looked at the sectors, I noticed a new sector with the label of "S", and went there with my last bit of fuel.
When I got there, I saw that the planets all had the tier of "99", and when I got down, I was instantly killed by an unidentified source.
When I checked my inventory, I saw an item labeled "Eyes", and put them on the mannequin.
When I did this, the screen immediatly cut to black, and, crudely drawn, the text "This is my swamp" appeared on the screen.
Then, the worst part happened, where, well, I met "Him"
I saw the completed mannequin come to life, it lunged at my character, and my game immediatly crashed.
When I tried to reload it, I saw it was named "Him", and would not start up.
I exited out of steam, and saw that everything else on my desktop had this same label, and when I searched my computers files, it also had this label.
When I tried to open my starbound files, my computer showed a face of a green, human-like figure with big brown eyes, the message "It's all ogre now" appeared on the screen, and then the computer crashed.
I could not boot my computer up again, and am using the library computer to warn you of the dangers of the file named "Him".
It was removed from the nexus, but is most likely somewhere else on the internet.
Do not search for it, do no seek it, do not welcome it.
It will torment you as it has done to me.
Goodbye, and be wary, for the dangers of "Him" are beyond your worst nightmares.