If you're reading this I'm dead as I'm typing this blog on my powerless laptop in a storm with no power nor internet and I don't know if anyone will ever read it, but if you do heed my warning. Don't watch the movie Friday.
I purchased it at a flea marketi n Tijuana for 50 pesos and it had Ice Cube in it along with Chris Tucker(?) saying DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN a lot. Black comedy was funny but I paused the movie at one point to take a shit and Ice Cube jumped out of the screen.
"idiot you best turn that mofuckin movie back on or i kick your ass"
I panicked and threw my shit at the TV and Ice Cube was gone. With a TV now covered in faeces I had to find video games to play on MacIntosh. I remember in Tijuana I bought a game called "ICECUBEDROWNED.exe" and it seemed fun so I put it in and started playing it. The opening sequence had me collect 8 albums released by NWA and Ice Cube as well as finding copies of Friday. I found them all then got a screen of Ice Cube falling down the sky into the ocean and Chris Tucker appeared then said DAMN HE AIN'T GONNA BE IN RUSH HOUR THREE.
My computer then shut off and Ice Cube appeared behind me with a Glock and shot me. I'm now locked in my bathroom typing this dead trying to outlast Ice Cube but he's sitting outside rapping.
Never watch the movie Friday.