
The sound of thrashing & tapping can be heard. It is faint, but it is enough to wake up a young man. Inside a nearly pitch black room, the only source of light is a streetlight, barely fading through the curtains, & some weak LED lights from various electronic devices. Trying to return to sleep in the silent house, the faint bumping can still be heard. After what felt like an eternity, the young man arises from his bed in search of the source of the noise. After seeing the time, (sometime around 2 AM), the man knows that everyone in the household should be dead asleep at this time. He lives with his siblings in a 2 story house, none of them had a history of being up this late. Before checking on the source of the commotion, he decided to check on his siblings to see if they are awake.
In the room next to his was his younger sister. The man slowly opens the door & observes the room. He finds his sister sound asleep. Leaving the room, he goes a couple rooms away to his younger brother's bedroom. The same result as with the previous room. The gentle trashing can still be heard throughout the process. It sounds like it is coming from the bottom floor, which is where his older brother's bedroom is at. The young man suspects that he is the cause of the noise.
As the man goes downstairs, the banging grows more audible, albeit, still farely quiet. He enters his older brother's room, expecting him to be the cause of the noise. To his suprise, he finds him asleep like his other siblings. Now growing paranoid, the man exits his brother's room, in search of the sound. He enters the kitchen, where the noise becomes more audible. He walks up to a broom closet, the sound of banging is coming from behind the door. The man grabs a knife & cautiously opens the door.
   When he opens the door,



- ''[ Cheeze-e]''

Check out my other trollpasta: ['s_Biggest_Fan ''"Mutahar's Biggest Fan"'']