
Who isn't a fan of the I Wanna Be The Guy games? I've played all the classics, but I also enjoy the newer games. On the other hand, I've never played any fangames or hacked games before, and I doubt I will after one horrible experience...
It all started on an absolutely bleak winter afternoon. There was no rain, just lightning EVERYWHERE. I was playing IWBTG:Gaiden (I like how you get to utilise that one unique feature the game has in it) until I noticed, on my state-of-the-art security network, that the mailman was making his usual hike up my incredibly hilly and dangerous driveway. I went out of the house to meet him, jumping over spike traps and dodging newly grown Delicious Fruit, and by the time I arrived, he had delivered the package and was now making the perilous trip back down to normal civilisation. The only thing in the mailbox was a slice of bread for toasters and a note, which is not two things anymore because I said so.
I looked at the note and realised it was from my dear friend Golroth the Destroyer (Let's just call him that), whom I hadn't heard from in millennia. I knew it was him because he'd signed off the note, so I was able to identify him without having to resort to analysing his handwriting.
This is what he wrote...
''I can't take it anymore, I had to get rid of this thing somehow before it was too late, and I was hoping you'd do it for me. I can't do it, he’s after me, and if you don't destroy this CD, he'll come after you too, he's too fast for me....''
''Please Tomato, destroy this god-forsaken disc before he comes after you too, it's too late for me.''
''Destroy the disc, and you'll destroy him, but do it quick otherwise he'll catch you. Don't even play the game, it's what he wants, just destroy it.''
Golroth the Destroyer''"''
Well that was weird; he didn't even bother to say "Hello!" or "How are you?" or do anything to try and catch up even though we haven't contacted each other for the past 3,000 years. I decided that since he had been such a massive prick, I would do exactly what he said not to do by playing the game. It was just an ordinary "gaming disc", right? It couldn't hurt me...
ANYWAYZZ, I looked at the disc and it looked just like any other ordinary normal standard basic PC computer device information diskette CD-ROM compact disc disc for PC computers, except it had black marker on it unlike other writable discs which have their labels burned on them using telepathic eye lasers by whoever burns them, which said "iwbtg(fs).exe" in handwriting very unlike Golroth's, which made me think that he must have bought it from an old man who likes hacking video games and selling them. When I saw the acronym "IWBTG" on the writing of the computer gaming disc, I actually got excited because I am a big fan of the IWBTG games, as you probably gathered from previous exposition, so seeing another copy of a game in the series that I've already played is a euphoric moment for me. Damn, I need to get a life.
I went down to my mother's basement and turned on my computer and played 237 games of Minesweeper and solved the Expert Version in 101 seconds which is only 3 seconds off my best time which is 99 seconds, and when I'd done that, I put the compact installable computer gaming CD disc into my PC computer device and installed iwbtg(fs).exe, in a complicated installation process which consisted of me copy+pasting the file to my desktop.
When I opened up the game, it was the first IWBTG game. I was likes, "TOTALY COOLZ BRO!!!!111!!1one1!" because as I mentioned earlier I like the classics. The first thing I noticed was when I pressed start, ''there's was'' a's split's second's where's my's start menu opened because this is a computer and the start button doesn't start the game, it opens the start menu. So, then I clicked inside the game window to close the start menu, and pressed Enter. When I did this, it showed me the completely normal save/difficulty select screen from the original game, so I selected the first save slot because it was empty, and then the game started, and I started playing but died to the first trap, and that was when I noticed that something was wrong because instead of the normal death animation, it showed The Kid exploding into a pile of hyper-realistic blood that splattered all over the level, and the words "GAME OVER / PRESS 'R' TO TRY AGAIN" appeared in an 8-bit font while satanic rock played. But then I remembered that WAS the normal death animation, so I kept playing, and it was the completely unmodified original game.
''The End''