Okay, so I love Jeremy Kyle, but I can't watch his shows ever again. A friend of mine emailed me this disc called JEREMYKYLE.EXE and despite the fact that I had exams, I decided to watch it.
The episode's title was 'I FUCK YOUR ----' with the '----' being removed for something horrible that I can't repeat. Jeremy looked almost depressed, and the audience was notably lacking, only about half the audience were there. They were hurling insults at him. When the female came on, he gave her a perverted look, almost as if he wanted to do something obscene with her.
After a few minutes of talking, which was too grainy for me to hear properly, the woman's husband came on brandishing a knife and baseball bat. He hit Jeremy's head so hard that it broke open. Blood and brain matter went everywhere. He then grabbed his knife, and stabbed his wife. No bodyguards even came and stopped him. The next shot was of Jeremy Kyle's face, his eyes black and his pupils being red, and his eyes were bleeding black fluid.
Graham, the after-care specialist, was talking to the bloodied corpse of the woman, who now strangely had white fluid mixed in with the blood. He was talking to it as if it were still alive, and seemingly answered questions that it could not say.
Loud static played, over Jeremy's face again. He was behind Graham with a knife. The camera then went dark.
I threw my computer away, and cried myself to sleep. I'm going to rip my heart out tomorrow with my kitchen knife. See you all in heaven.