
Does anyone know Jacob Sherwood, uh I mean Jacob Sherwood, sorry English isnt 1st banana language, well, it turns out that Jacob Sherwood isn't Jacob Sherwoody at all.
I had watched Jacob Sherwoods last ever recorded BCP. I kinda teareded up, I wished BCPs were posted daily like PewDiePies gameplay. Anywhy eat a pie, I wanted to get Jacob Sherwoods phone number, indeed what I found was an email. (The email was NarutoFan666@MichaelLeroi.co.uk) This isn't Jacobs email adress, if so why is it NarutoFan and not jacobsherwoodfan@MichaelLeroi.co.uk? anywhoozle I decided to email this kid. I asked him when the next BCP was going to be uploaded, he came back to me saying.
"It has already been recorded."
 He sent me a download link that was named "JacobSherwood.exe" I downloaded it, it gave me viruses of child porn. I opened the folder, and I needed to get passed all of the child porn to find a vidya. It was Jacob and Matt! No way! I thought that this was only child porn. Jacob said "Unfortunately Toby can't be with us, he was taken by the cult of x." When all of the sudden, Toby busted through the door holding a plastic fork and pointed it at Jacob.
"Get on the ground!" Toby said to Jacob and Matt.
They both got on the floor, and Toby proceeded to kick Jacob, in the stomach 5 times and kicked Matt 5 times in the stomach, he puked out spotted dick all over Toby, he walked backwards and tripped over Jacob. At this point, I felt an erection bulge in my panties. Matt stood on the table, held his two fingers up (his pointing finger and his naughty finger on both hands) then Swanton Bombed Toby. Toby squiled like a pig. Jacob and Matt looked down at the plastic fork and back at each other. Matt jumped to try and get the plastic fork, but Jacob got to it first. He stabbed Matt in the back 3 times and with every stab he roared in anger. He then looked down at Toby with his angry pixelated eyebrows.
"J...Jacob." Toby muttered while coughing vix vapour rub. 
"Say your last words!" Jacob hollered.
"If you kill me, you'll get put in prison! " Toby said.
"I can convince the police that you had a D.I.A.N.A death." Jacob said. 
"What's a D.I.A.N.A death?" Toby asked while still sitting on the floor and coughing vix vapour rub.
Matt came back from the dead and said "A D.I.A.N.A death stands for Died In A Nasty Accident." 
Jacob threw a jar of marmite at Matt, killing him once more, he turned to look at Toby, but Toby was standing up. He shot Jacob on his right tentacle with his water gun, Jacob collapsed next to Matt and started crying to himself. Toby reached into his pocked. 
"I came armed." Toby said "Do you know what's better than a plastic fork?" He asked while pulling out a metal fork. 
"Toby, please don't!" Jacob pleaded.
"You're too late for that!" Toby exclaimed.
He proceeded to stab Jacob, with every stab, he made a "eh" noise. Jacob screamed like the sissy he was, but that didn't finish him off. 
"Wow, you are one tough cookie." Toby said.  
Toby ran into the basement and tried to look for stuff to "finish" Jacob off with. What he found was a blue bottle with a yellow lid. 
"The fuck is this? Sun cream! We live in England not Asia for fuck sake!" Toby roared. 
That was when he had a rational thought - would in be permanent? He went into the kitchen and made some tea. He took it upstairs and poured it all over Jacob's face. Jacob screamed like a little girl as he slowly died. When he died, Toby walked over to the screen and spoke. 
"They're all dead!" 
Toby decided to pull his shirt up and show the camera his hairy nipples. Then the video just stopped. I was shaking in my chair, when all of the sudden, God Save The Queen started playing outside of my house, this was strange as I live in 'murica. I looked out of the winder and saw Toby standing about 4 feet away from the window, holding a metal fork in one hand, and a water gun in the other...