
I might as well introduce myself. My name is Mitchell, and I’m
currently twenty-three years old. A close friend of mine, Natasha,
recently committed suicide. This was an utter shock to me, her other
friends, family, and the entire town. She was always the kind of person
who would brighten up a room when she walked in, and I truly do mean
that. No matter the situation, she always had a positive attitude, and
was an amazing person to be around. It’s no wonder why her suicide
wasn’t taken easy by anyone. A few days prior to her death, she began to
act strange. She would be more paranoid, and spent a lot of her time in
the house. I had the thought that this could have been the result of
personal problems, and is what caused her to end her life.
The funeral wasn’t easy to go to. I sat close
to the front, and could only stay for around half the duration, as I
couldn’t deal with the thought of one of my close friends no longer
being around. She was only twenty. Shortly after the funeral had ended
and people began leaving, I went back to her house with her mother,
father, and younger brother. He wasn’t much younger than her; there was a
three year difference between the two, making him seventeen. We didn’t
know each other that well, but there were some laughs shared between us
Natasha’s family cleaned out her apartment,
giving away to belongings to relatives and friends. Since I was known as
the computer geek, they decided to give me her laptop. The one I had
was pretty old, so I kindly accepted the offer. Hers was fairly new; she
had gotten it around a year ago. It was a Dell, and was in nice
condition. Natasha had always kept things clean, which is why it still
looked brand new. I spent the day at her parents’ house, chatting
to them and her brother. Later that night, at around 9:30, I went home
and turned it on. It ran Windows 7, and didn’t take long for it to turn
on. When it did, the background was the Windows logo, the same wallpaper
that came with a new laptop. It was strange how it wasn’t changed to
something, since Natasha was a fan of customizing things. I just
shrugged it off.
The first thing I did was look through some
photo folders. Most people would just delete whatever the previous owner
had, but I decided to save all of her old photos, videos, and music on a
USB. This was so her family could have them if they had requested.
There were many photos, mainly her with friends or family members.I then
went into videos. There were the basic ones that came with Windows, and
some she took herself of events and with friends. I then stumbled upon a
folder named, “Jeff.” I couldn’t recall her knowing a Jeff, so I was a
bit confused as to why she had this. When I opened it, what I saw
frightened me a bit.
The name wasn’t what startled me, it
was the thumbnail. It was the picture of Jeff the killer, the one that
was used for the well-known Creepypasta. I stopped for a moment to
think; what was this doing here? Natasha was never the one to read or
watch such stuff, she was the kind of person who would get scared
easily. I moved my mouse over the icon and clicked.
The video came up in a small screen, and
took around two minutes to load. This was odd, as usually videos would
take a few seconds at most to fully load. It was a still image of Jeff,
which went on for around two minutes straight. However, there was sound
to it. All I could hear was a constant whistling sound. It sounded a bit
muffled, and was going on a constant note for the whole video. I took
note that it was obviously looping, and that the original sound lasted
less than a second.Around two minutes in, the screen goes black and the
sound is gone. For a second, I had thought the video stopped, but when I
checked it turns out that it was still going. So, I waited patiently.
After a minute or so of waiting, the image and sound returned. However,
the picture had changed. The saturation was turned up, and the colors
were now extremely different. It seemed like a poorly done edit in
Photoshop. But, something about it made me feel sick. It was as if it
was actually staring at me. I couldn’t turn it off; I wanted to watch
I felt weaker, until the video had ended. It
was around five minutes in length. Paranoia then suddenly took over my
body, as well as the feeling of being sick. Not even a minute had passed
until I had to rush to the bathroom, and vomited profusely. After that,
I blacked out.
When I awoke, I looked at my phone for the time;
11:30 p.m. I was passed out on my bathroom floor for over an hour.
Slowly, I picked myself up, went into my bedroom and stumbled into bed.
Unlike other nights, I had a very hard time falling asleep; it wasn’t
until 1:30 until I finally dozed off. All that time was spent looking
into the black abyss that surrounded me. Although the sickness in my
stomach had passed, the feeling of paranoia still sat in my mind. I
could sense someone watching me.
The time was around one in the afternoon,
when I woke up. I didn’t have a job; I quit my old one as a cashier at a
local supermarket, and was looking for a new one. Not long after I got
up, I went to the kitchen, got something to eat, and sat down in the
living room in front of the TV. The unnerving feeling of being watched
was still within me.
I couldn’t finish my meal; half of it went
into the trash. The paranoia was tearing at me, and I constantly felt
watched. At five, I decided I’d go out to a local restaurant for dinner,
instead of staying home alone, in hopes to deal with this feeling. The
place I went to was called Blue Dragon restaurant; it was kind of tacky,
but the food wasn’t costly. I went in, ordered my meal, and just pigged
out. For some reason, I felt incredibly hungry at this point. After I
left, the rest of the day was spent going around town; driving,
shopping, typical things. The paranoia inside of me had actually died
down a lot, and my mood had increased greatly. I hadn’t gone home until
That night, I went to sleep pretty quickly.
It felt great, knowing that I didn’t have to toss and turn. No problem,
until I began to dream. The second that my mind has fully drifted from
reality, I began to experience terrifying thoughts. These weren’t
ordinary nightmares. They were the kind that would cause someone to wake
up screaming. I saw terrifying faces, and all I could hear was blood
curdling screams. It was nothing like I had ever experienced before.To
my relief, the nightmare eventually ended. When this happened, I tried
to turn my head to look at the clock on the nightstand next to me.
However, I wasn’t able. Not a single part of my body would move; I was
experiencing some form of paralysis. All I could do was lie down in my
bed and look up at the blackness that engulfed my entire room.
After a couple of minutes, the numbness
eventually faded. Finally, I could move. I turned my head to the clock;
it was 4:25 am. I never wake up in the middle of the night, so I felt
confused. At this time, I took notice of this sound that seemed to be
coming from a source that I couldn’t identify. It was the whistling from
the video, and it was just barely audible. Hearing this caused me to
feel even more fearful, and it prevented me from going back to sleep.
When I had enough, I got up and went downstairs to get some water.
Before going back to my bedroom, I decided to use the bathroom before
going back to bed. The instant I turned on the light to see my
reflection, my heart sank.
My skin was completely white, my hair had
gone black, and my eyes… they were, black. Instead of having the green
eyes that I did, they were suddenly black. I stood there, just looking
at my reflection. I eventually came to my senses, and just thought it
was because I was tired and that was causing me to hallucinate.
Once I got into bed, the nightmares continued
off where they had left off. This time, they were more intense; there
were more faces and the screams were louder. When I woke up this time, I
was dripping in sweat. The clock said 6:57 am, but although my body
pleaded for more sleep, I got out of bed immediately. No way in hell was
I experiencing that again.
The whistling sound had not disappeared yet,
and I could still hear it coming from somewhere. This time, it was a bit
louder than before. Irritated, I tried to look for the source of it. I
search all throughout the house, checked my television, phone, and even
the laptop; however, I didn’t find out where the whistling was coming
from. Once I had come to terms with this, I went into the living room
and got onto the newly given laptop to keep myself occupied.
The background was somehow changed to the
still image of Jeff. Seeing this caused me to jump back in fear, and to
curse under my breath. I opened Google Chrome and saved a photo of basic
wallpaper just so I could get rid of that image. But regardless of the
comfort changing it brought me, I began to ask myself how this could
possibly occur. Nobody else lived with me, and I didn’t change it
before. To help comfort myself, I concluded that it was just a glitch of
some sort.
Since I was in need to a job, I decided to
look for some local ones to help me get by. As it turns out, there was a
small gas station in the area that was hiring and they were able to
take calls. I wrote the number down on a piece of paper and planned to
call them at ten. Soon after this, the feeling of hunger was felt in my
stomach, and I decided to get some breakfast. Thinking back to
yesterday, I decided to just make myself some toast since I wasn’t sure
if I could keep down a lot. Luckily, the toast didn’t make me feel sick.
At this time, the feeling of paranoia had died down a significant
amount, and I no longer could hear the whistling.
Once ten had rolled along, I called the gas
station to ask about possibly working there. The guy who picked up was
name Oliver, and he sounded a bit older than me. We were talking for a
few minutes, and he said that I could drop by later that day to see him.
For the duration of the entire phone call, I noticed that his voice
sounded distant, as if he had me on speaker. The sound was also muffled,
which caused me to have to ask him to repeat himself sometimes. Not
only that, but that damn whistling could be heard again, and this time
in the phone. Although the sound ended when I hung up the phone, the
feeling of being watched hit me again, causing me to experience an
uproar of fear and anger at the situation.
The video came to mind. I pondered about the
possibility of it being the root to all that had occurred so far. Being a
rational person, I tried to dismiss the thought. “That’s bullshit,” I
said to myself, “how could a video on a laptop cause me to experience
such things? That isn’t possible.” But regardless of my efforts, a part
of my mind was screaming that this was the cause. To be sure, I deleted
the file that contained the video. Within a matter of seconds that clip
was gone from my computer and I no longer had to view it. Now, I
thought, there would be nothing to fear anymore.The thought was quickly
dismissed when I entered the bathroom and looked at my reflection again.
Just like last time, that image was still there, but this time I
noticed that I looked exactly like Jeff.
Without any warning, the whistling was back
and suddenly became so loud that I yelled out in pain as it buzzed
through my ears and I had no other choice but to cover them. This caused
me to go over the tipping point; I threw my fist as hard as I could
into the mirror, causing it to shatter.
The whistling had stopped. Silence filled the
room. I let out a massive sigh of relief; no longer did I have to
experience both the reflection and that sound again.I had massive
cuts all over my hand from the impact that made a bloody mess all over
my hand and on the bathroom counter. When wrapping up my hand, I hadn’t
felt anything. Although I was clearly injured, there was no pain in my
hand. This came off as more weird than scary, and I quickly wrapped
myself up. Looking down at the pieces of glass and blood on the counter
created guilt to enter me, and I began cleaning it up. When I had
finished and looked at the time on my phone, I noticed that it was a
good time for me to go see about the job at the station.
When I got to where the gas station was…
there was nothing there. The road was barren, and there was no station
to be seen. I drove all around town and couldn’t find a single damn
place that was under the name of the one I saw online. Out of rage, I
quickly spun around and drove home; the mirror wasn’t even a concern
anymore. As I was driving, I saw frightening faces in the people who
were walking along the side. They were all extremely pale, and had dark
hair. The similarity of the people and Jeff made the negative emotions
in me worsen, and I turned on the radio in an attempt to help me feel at
ease. What I heard caused me to literally stop dead in the empty road.
Through my speakers… I heard that fucking whistling again. No matter
what station I turned to, it was there. Just like with the mirror, I
took my other fist to the radio as hard as I could, breaking it and
allowing silence to fill the car.
I got home and slumped down on the couch,
turning on the television. The next three days were spent just lying
around the place, eating microwavable foods, and sleeping. I no longer
had the energy to get up and do anything. After a while, I had enough
and called a close friend of mine and asked if I could stay over his
place for the night and that I would explain everything when I got
there. With what was going on, I didn’t want to stay in the house any
longer. Thankfully, he said it was no problem and that I could stay in
the guest room. I grabbed my wallet, jacket, and a pair of clothes that I
threw into the backseat of my car. It wasn’t long until I was out the
door and driving down the road.
My friend’s name was William, and he had an
interest in how the human mind works. So, I felt like he would have a
pretty good idea as to what’s occurring and would help me seek out
professional help. I ran up to his door, banging on it as quick as I
could. He didn’t look the same when he opened it. He had the same
fucking complexion that everyone else was having, including me. I could
have sworn he asked me what the trouble was, but I couldn’t hear it over
the damn whistling that had come back as soon as he opened the door. I
felt sweat run down my face and felt anger building up within me. He
kept talking, but soon the whistling had gotten so loud that I could
only see his mouth move.
All I could do was scream as I covered my
ears once again, kneeling onto the ground. William got down too, and I
could tell he was panicking at this point and was most definitely
screaming out my name to get my attention. He grabbed my shoulders, and
made me look up facing him. I no longer saw William’s face; it was Jeff,
his eyes peering into mine and that massive grin. Seeing this caused me
to jump up, knocking him over. I swiftly kicked him in the face,
resulting in him covering it with his hands and for blood to slowly leak
onto the ground. As I ran to the car, my stomach began to churn; sooner
or later I was soon going to vomit. As I started my car, I kept seeing
Jeff’s face instead of William’s. This time, he was hunched over and
slowly making his way to me. I drove as fast as I could to get away from
I tried to think of where to go, but there
was nowhere that I could. Any facility that could give me treatment for
what was occurring was over half an hour away, and I was becoming low on
gas. The nearest place was my apartment, and although I told myself
that I wouldn’t go back there, it was the only place I could get to
quickly. Once there, I burst through the front door and ran into the
bathroom, collapsed onto the floor near the toilet and began vomiting
profusely. Once all food was up, I began to feel a massive sharp pain.
It was if I was being gutted alive, and now all that was coming up was
blood. All control of my stomach had been lost and I threw up so much
that the inside of my stomach was damaged and bleeding. The agony lasted
for up to ten minutes, and once it was over I curled up into a ball on
the floor.
The thought of what I did to William then
came into mind; I had kicked my close friend in the face, and made him
bleed. I couldn’t believe that I had done such a thing, and this only
added to the horrible feelings that were inside me. I couldn’t take
anymore, and broke down. I cried to the point where my eyes began to
stung, and my face was covered in tears. The damn whistling was still
all I could hear, and this caused me to become more furious, making even
more tears to roll out of my eyes. It was a vicious cycle that I was
stuck in. In a panic, I tried to think of ways in which I could get out
of this misery, but to no avail. I couldn’t call anyone, since there was
no way that I could hear them, and William most definitely called the
police. That means that I only had a certain amount of time to get out
of this, and I finally came to my last resort; death.
Suicide was never something that I had
seriously considered before, and having Natasha do it herself made me
think that I would never do such a thing. But this was too much for me;
the paranoia, the faces, what I had done to William and the fucking
whistling had taken hold of me. I was torn apart, and became a maniac
within days. There was a small pistol in my bedroom that I had kept for
personal defense, and it was now the only method of escape. I went to my
room, and soon had it in my hands.
Knowing that what I held out in front of me
would be my cause of death in a matter of minutes made my blood run cold
for a second, and I looked at it for what seemed like forever. Tears
began to fall again as I realized just what I was about to do, but it
was all that was left. I made my way to the bathroom, and placed it on
the counter. Digging into the garbage, I found a sharp piece of glass
that was a part of the mirror. Using this, I carved a message into where
the mirror once was; whoever finds my body will see it. Once this was
done, I sat down in the tub, and took deep slow breaths to help myself
relax one final time. Nothing good would come out of my life ever since
this shit had happened, so there was no need to continue.
So here I am, lying in my tub, writing this
letter as an explanation as to why I decided to end my life. I’ve calmed
down now, and this is all that is left for me to do. To whoever this
may affect, I’m really sorry. I wish I could turn back time and delete
that video as soon as I saw the thumbnail, or even deny taking the
laptop. But I took the laptop, I saw the video, and I had to face the
consequences of doing so. This is the end of my letter. Take care.

The story above was found written on a piece of paper next to the
body of Mitchell Weltz, a twenty-three year old man who had committed
suicide in the bathroom of his apartment. His body was found at 5:37
p.m, after a phone call to the police from a man named William Michael
had sent officers to the place. Mr. Michael had said that he was
physically abused by Mr. Weltz in his front lawn, causing him to have a
broken nose and bleeding. The apartment that Mr. Weltz was staying in
had been unlocked, and old boxes of various food items could be seen
scattered throughout the apartment, as well as empty soda cans. In the
bathroom, next to the body, was a message was carved into where the
mirror Mr. Weltz described once hung. The message had read, “Now the
sound will stop.”