
It was a cold Saturday evening. I was talking on the phone to my friend Jenna. She started saying strange things. Here is the conversation:
''Jenna: Hey Lucy!''
''Me: Why did you call me Jenna? It's three o' clock in the morning!''
''Jenna: I need to talk to you about something.''
''Me: What?''
''Jenna: The CD.''
''Me: What CD?''
''Jenna: That CD you gave me last week.''
''Me: Do you want to give it back?''
''Jenna: Yeah.''
''Me: Did the movie suck?''
''Jenna: No.''
''Me: Then why do you want to give it back?''
''Jenna: Because of Him.''
''Me: Who is Him?''
''Jenna: HE STALKS ME''
''Me: Who?''
''Jenna: NATAS.''
''Me: Who?''
''Jenna: NATAS.''
''Me: Who?''
''Jenna: NATAS.''
''Me: Who?''
''Jenna: NATAS.''
''Me: Who?''
''Jenna: NATAS.''
''Me: Who?''
''Jenna: NATAS.''
''Me: Who?''
''Jenna: NATAS.''
''Me: Who?''
''Jenna: NATAS.''
''Me: Who?''
''Jenna: NATAS.''
''Me: Who?''
''Jenna: NATAS.''
Then Jenna hung up. I soon realized that Natas is Satan backwards. Then she sent me 3 very creepy pictures.