
So I was on my computer searching for god adventure games and I found Journey fur free so I downloaded it cuz yeas. So whilst downloading it paused, but then continued cuz my computer just lagged for a second, lolk. So I looked at ze file location and it said Journey.Exe so I opened it and it said "Lol fggt, go away k." And hyper realistic bl0000dd appeard and I got scared, so I continued da game and I got scared cuz hyper realistic skeletons appeard and sp00ked me. When I found a companion who accidently downloaded dis game to and he followed me around, he dissapeard and I heard hyper realistic screams and I shrieked and shut off da game, but it turned back on and a hyper realistic guardian popped out the screen and said "poop u ded skrb lel kbai" and then it killed me and hyper realistic bl00d shot everywhere. This is a true story, no joke.