

I was cleaning out my USBs, and I found a file, with a .txt file in it. I checked it out, and I found this, in my opinion, godawful Denpa Men Creepypasta that I must have wrote a long time ago. So I decided to post it here, unedited in all its "wall of text" glory.
Good night.

The spoooooooooky pasta

Ahh, The Denpa Men, how I love you. The Denpa Men is an epic game for the 3DS. I like to play it extensively. I even grew a bond with my Denpa Men. My biggest bond was with Julie, she was cute, strong and was funny. She even was nice and tryed to cheer me up. However, After I beat the Dark Ruins, everything changed. At the time when I played this were when I was antisocial, so Denpa Men were my only friends. After, I moved and made good friends. (Not giving away names.) We had tons of fun together. It was good to have a real friend. We would have sleepovers, parties and we had a very good bond. One day, I had a disturbing dream. My Denpa Men were floating around me eerily, saying 'play with me' over and over. When I woke up, it was Wednesday. I went to sleep on SUNDAY! Strangely my 3DS was infront of me, with a sticker that says, 'Play with me.' I turned the 3DS on. When I scrolled over to The Denpa Men, Chaotic music played and the two Denpa men who fly around the logo were hung and bleeding. I clicked A. I was very scared, as I have never cheated on my 3DS. The Logo is partly chipped off, and the Denpa Man face on it it bleeding, with some brain and skull visible. I pressed start, The tower you use to catch Denpa Men was collapsed and on fire. I went to the Denpa Men House. All my Denpa men were hung and decapitated. I went into my party and was haunted by what I saw. Julie was the only one alive, holding rope and a knife. I decided to talk to Julie. She said '...'. I did it again. This time she said 'Would you like to explore?' I said yes in real life. 'Very Well then, Julie said. I let out a scream. How'd she hear me? She replied 'I know you well, H*****. (Not showing real name...) She just called me my real name! That is scary... I checked her stats. I screamed again. 666 of all stats, and level 666. In the overworld, the sea was blood red, and dead Denpa Men were visible. I rushed to the Denpa Men House. I clicked on Julie. I clicked Release. 'Julie can stay if she wants.' I was nearly crying, holding it in. I went back out to the 'Road to Oasis' Dungeon. Enemies were laying dead on the ground. This was just like the other dungeons. I went to the Dark Ruins. The King of Evil's 'modification' was the scariest. His eye, hanging there by an intestine, bleeding. Julie then came. 'Do you like my world?' I said yes. 'YOU HAVE LIEBJND&*&(#&(&*(#' A bunch of random characters and pixels starting appearing. Once they cleared up, Julie was gone. The doorbell rang. I opened it, and there was Julie, with her Green and Red-stripe sweater and a yellow butterfly shirt below it. I screamed extremely loud, ran to the kitchen, got a knife, and pointed at at the human-like Julie. She wasn't there anymore... 'What is wrong with me?' I thought to myself. I went to sleep later, haunted by Julie. The next day, the doorbell ran again. I opens the door, scared. It was Julie! I begin to breath heavily, as I start losing my vision. I wake up, I am in a black room with Julie. She began to speak with an eerie grin. 'You have left us...' 'To rot...' In lonliness...' 'Now you will feel it too!' My Denpa Men floating around me, and I felt a very hard pain. 'You will die slowly and painfully...' The Denpa Men say together. I begin to bleed. And I then die.
Never keep things you won't use.