
I was browsing on the internet when i came across a forum post talking about this creepy and weird .avi file called Kernal.avi, they where talking about how the video that was within the file was just static and how eerie it was so i asked if i could get a download link to the file and sure enough the author of the forum post replied to my comment and gave me a link to the file.

When the good stuff starts happening :D

When it got done downloading i opened my Downloads folder and found it, but it was in a folder, odd i thought. I clicked the folder and i was greeted with a bunch of pictures of chicken heads with each picture having a different name, such as DEAD AND LIFELESS or FORGOTTEN, i was less shocked and more weirded out. i then noticed that in the corner of my eye i saw a picture called "dead", i clicked on it and i saw a portly drawn picture of a chicken with its head cut off by some unknown figure holding a knife with text on it saying "YOUR NEXT", what was eerie about this photo is that the knife that the figure was holding did not have blood on it while blood splattered out of the chicken, i shrugged it off and clicked x on the top of the window. I finally saw it, Kernal.avi, i clicked on the file and it was what was explained on the forum post, just static. I got bored and decided to close the video file until it made the error sound and a text box popped up saying "you cant escape your own nightmare" as a hand reached out of my computer monitor and tried to choke me but i moved out of the way before hand. A figure dressed in white and had a black tie on with black eyes and red dots inside them came out of the computer screen with a look in its eye's that would send chills down anyone's spine. He then proceeded to pull out a knife from his back pocket along with a bloody chicken head from his coat pocket, he laughed a sadistic laugh as he lunged towards me with the knife as i flinched. Fortunately he vanished before he could do anything to me, that day still haunts me, whether it be in my nightmares or while i'm working or talking to my friends or family.