
I was 9 at the time, and I just got home from school. I decided to watch tv, though I couldn't watch one of my favorite shows, Ed Edd 'N' Eddy. My mom said she and my step dad were going to drop off my sister at her great grandma's and go mountain biking. YES! I thought to myslelf, I can finally watch Ed Edd 'N' Eddy! When they left, I immediately went to netflix and found Ed Edd 'N' Eddy. It had season five! "YES" I screamed But, weirdly enough, there wuz only one episode, and it wuz called "Kevin.HatesEddy" "hmm, wut a weird name for an episode" I thought. But, I just shrugged it off and started watching it. The title sequence was ok, but kinda sloppy (which is common for a Ed Edd 'N' Eddy episode) after the title sequence, it showed Eddy standing at the bus stop, alone. Then, Ed and Edd came along to walk to school with Eddy. After they walked off, it turned to kevin, who was writing stuff all over the school with red spray paint. It then turned to Ed Edd 'N' Eddy again, as soon as they walk in the school, they become horrified, it then cuts to the wall, which had Kevin.HatesEddy on it in red spray paint. Then, it turned to the Eds again. Expecting them to have no eyes? WRONG! Just then, kevin jumps out at eddy. It then turns to a graveyard, a few seconds later, the Eds run past it, though when Eddy ran by he liked he got one if those cartoon beatings. Kevin then grabbed Eddy out of nowhere. It now turns to Eddy, who is sleeping at the hospital. When he wakes up, ue sees Kevin.HatesEddy on the wall, in red spray paint. Just then, Kevin walks to Eddy, and it then turns to Eddy, who is screaming like a girl, and the camera goes inside his mouth, then showing the end credits. Im speechless, but when I find wut words to say, I say this "Really, REALLY?! This wuz supposed to be god dang scary creepypasta, and it turns out to be a stupid CRAPPYPASTA!" Raged, I go back to watching Markiplier until my mom gets home.