
You guys remember the online game called Kill the Plumber? Well, I heard just a few days ago somebody released a bootleg version for the Wii. He was selling it on Ebay for $6.66. It was kinda weird that he was selling it for that much but I didn't care. I bought it and loaded it up. The title screen said Kill. I pushed Play.
Level EVIL PATRIXXX was the only level. I pressed it. OMG! There were Doritos. My Wii then crashed and there was blood everywhere.


My Wii was dead and then came back from the dead wearing shades and then punched me making me bleed and then I was dead but brought back to life for no reason and now I will kill you, I know your name. {{USERNAME}} ARMABLEBBON IT WAS ADORABLE and
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OMGOMG THIS IS A .WII.avi.avi.omg.exe.fif.www.kit.ten.omg.exe