Ever since that night, I couldn't even go outside and face the day. My brother was a fanatic for Nintendo (who else isn't) and I was just a regular joe. He recently got Luigi's Mansion and played it on the Nintendo GameCube; leaving me to do nothing but watch Netflix in my room. One night, my brother went into my room, being 5 years old, he would ask dumb questions like "Why's the sky blue" or "How can a frog make noise". But this question, got my attention. He asked me...
"Why did Luigi kill Mario?"
I looked at him like 'What the fuck?', and I asked him, "What? What did you say?"
"Why did Luigi kill Mario?" He repeated.
"I don't know," I answered, "Maybe he got ticked off or something."
"He did look pretty upset with Mario," said my brother, "He must of did something to make Luigi mad."
I went to play the game myself, and sure enough, I did see something.
I press start on the game and it took me to where my brother saved the game. And it loaded me to a room where you fight Bowser at the end of the game. As Luigi walked up to Bowser, he just looked at Mario, then back at Bowser. He pointed at Mario and Bowser just breathed fire at Mario; burning him alive. Mario shouted in pain his last words, "Mama Mia!".
I just stared at the screen. Why would Luigi do this? Then Luigi just stared at me with burning hatred and a text box appeared in green.
"You thought Bowser worked alone?"
The game shuted itself off, as if I haven't played it yet. I loaded the game up, and it was just fine, I beat Bowser and saved Mario. It was fine and normal.
I didn't know what happened, or why nobody saw what I saw. But I'll tell you one thing. I should've known Luigi was behind it all.