
One day I was in my bed. I suddenly got the brilliant idea to shove a Lego brick up my middle-eastern bum hole. I got up from my bed and I stepped on a Lego brick and my dick fell off and I screamed for help, my mind strained, strained as it searched for an answer in a multiverse full of Lego and feet and dicks, I blacked out.
I woke up in an alleyway. I was being mugged. the sky was red and there was a man taking a shit on someone's car. I looked at my attackers but surprise! The muggers were Lego pieces and they started making my feet collide with them, slowly gnarling and mutilating my feet as they did so, I yelled in pain, but my screams fell on deaf ears. The muggers them stole my everything. I was left alone, crying, unable to walk in the rain. I passed it off as a glitch and got up.
I then shat and threw it at them they cried and ran away. Fucking racists these days. Anyway I picked up an M4 assault rifle and shoved it up my dick (even though it fell off) and pulled the trigger.
And then a Lego piece popped out.