
I woke up and i wanted to watch my favorite youtuber every known to mankind and that youtube is called lil tay and i saw that she uploaded a new video called-
I thought that was a pretty weird title and the thumbnail was just a plain black screen so i decided to go watch it.
Once i started to watch liltay.avi it started out with lil tay holding a glock 17 and she said.
Bitch this glock 17 cost more then your rent.
The video became still and at first i thought my nokia 3GS froze but then i realized it was the video and not my nokia 3GS and it was still for around 17 minutes as if still frozen but the video just kept on going.
But than suddenly lil tay fired the glock 17 and she said.
Bitch these glock 17 bullets cost more then your rent and your mom still lives in a tent.
And than suddenly the mafia came bursting in and killed lil tay's older brother and lil tay said.
Bitch who these broke ass haters?.
She than killed 2 of the goons that were in the mafia with her glock 17 and she said.
Bitch your all weak as fuck.
Their were 5 more of the goons from the mafia left and she killed 4 of them with her glock 17 and she was about the kill the 5th goon but then the goon shot her 200 times in the shin and lil tay yelled.
The 5th goon was about to kill lil tay but then the unthinkable happened.
Suddenly Jake paul came bursting into the room with 100 dollar bills and he started to make it rain with the 100 dollar bills and he killed the last goon with a M42 and lil tay said to Jake paul.
Yo thank you for saving me you are the true non broke ass hater.
Their all had a good day after those events and she then deleted the video.
You might be saying this is fake but what you do not know is that...