
A second after my death i woke up in a white room in some kind of a secret facility a women said to me i was dead for 95 years. i was shocked and upset and i asked her what the date was she simple replyed saying honeycupcake it's 5 of january 2057 and then i almost started to cry but i looked at my arms and and both where not my arms but belonged ro a robot which i diden't mind because before my death i had a big upseshen with robot's back in the sixtee's but that was like nearly 100 years ago so after the doctors let me walk and see the rest of the complex on the wall it said SCP Foundation funding i looked to my right and saw a skeleton that was grey and looked like it had rusted it had red bright sharp eyes and had pistons and was covered in wires this was starnge since i had never seen anything like this and it found some guns started to kill people amedettly the bell went of and a man on the microphone said "self ware robot has escaped try to stay alive i ran to the man office, i walked to a wall and a arrow pointing right said SCP-682 and immedatly made my shake in fear like something evil was there i ignored it and went left to the main entrance and a women in a small black car told me to get in and drove of to her apartment and said to me that she was my mums sister's granduaghter and that i was my mums only child i said my mums dead? she said yes and i began to cry she put her arm around me and said shhhhhhhhhhhh hushhhhhhhhhh its okay im herr for you and that i will take good care of you and frome now on i have to call her mum like that shes my step mum or just a new or old mum and i said how did you know tat they had found me she then replyd saying that one of the scientist range me and said he had found your long lost missing grandma i then said grandma in a angry/grumpy way she then said never to talk like that to her and that i was grounded for a month i then said but then she said now thats a year i sighed and said thats now a millennium.
(please note that i will edit and write the rest later.)