
I received a call from the hospital about my pregnant wife. It was urgent. I got in my car and immediately drove to the hospital, honking my horn and yelling at other drivers to get out of the way, this is an emergency.
When I reached the hospital, I hurriedly swung open the doors, a worried look on my face. I went over to the receptionist. "Please hurry, I need to find the room of Lilah MacManus."
She saw the worry in my face and told me where the room was. I ran down the hallway to the room, where a doctor was waiting. "She's inside, sir. She's fine, but I think you need to comfort her."
I opened the door to her room and saw her there. My beautiful wife, crying, holding her stomach. I went over to the side of her bed, and simply stood there, reaching my arms out. I was extremely saddened, we could've had a child together, but instead she miscarried.
I knew there was nothing I could do, except comfort her and hope we both get over this tremendous Loss.