
The following story was written on Febuary 17th 2013, and was deleted shortly after. Read at your own risk. 

most stories end with the end of all evil,this one isn't so simple.
Lucas was a normal kid with a normal life , friends , family he had all he could wish for. of course like any one else he had some bad luck every now and then , but his bad luck was about to get worse much worse...
It was a friday afternoon and lucas was coming home from school when he tripped on the stairs it didn't hurt that much. Lucas continued home and went to sleep as soon as he got home Lucas fell asleep. His dreams were filled with him with red eyes when he got the chance to ask him who he was he said with a sadistic smile "I am the real you" , whenever he would say this he would wake up. the last and final time it happened he awoke to his mom telling him " were gonna be late for your school picnic" So Lucas put on a shirt and ran to his moms car. the park was a normal scene birds were chirping the trees were in their summer green , but something felt strange to Lucas . When Lucas got to the picnic area he noticed that none of his friends were there which was very odd because they were always at the school picnic. after a while Lucas noticed that a group of kids at least one year older than him started to watch him from under a tree near by after a while he approached them. " Get away" one of them said " why should I" said Lucas. One of the group pulled out a knife " do you want to live" the group member said. " Live of course" " too late " said the group member and he tried to stab Lucas something took over then as if he couldn't control Lucas grabbed the knife and stabbed one of the group he turned around and knocked the second member and turned around to see the third group member backing away "don't run , you cant escape" Lucas said he grabbed the group member and punched him in the belly "kidney punch" Lucas kicked him and knocked him unconscious . Lucas regained control of his body, and ran back to his car. He the car until his mom drove them home. When he got home Lucas didn't speak a single word . that night he had the dream again except this time it walked up to him and said " EXCEPT THE REAL YOU , ONLY THEN CAN YOU BE COMPLETE" the next couple of days were normal except the recurring dreams. except on Friday when he got horrible news from his mother . " Lucas I know this might be hard to take in but all your friends have been murdered" "w-what m-m-my friends are de-dead" Lucas said "yes Lucas they were found today all dead" something died in Lucas all emotion left him . he awoke that night to see the group outside his window they all kicked the window down the alarm didn't sound for some reason " I'm gonna kill you"said one of the group hats when the thing that took over his body before took over he couldn't control this time and it took over for one last time and would never leave again he grabbed the leader of the group and dislodged his spine from his body instantly killing him he then grabbed the knife the leader had on him and made a circle of blood appeared at the belly of the next of the group before the last of the group could react the knife was in his eye. his parents heard noises and ran to his room "whats wro-" his mother was interrupted by what the scene looked like Lucas was standing with his orange parka "whats wrong mom don't you still love me" said Lucas "of course I do" "you're lying mommy" Lucas threw his knife at her and hit her. As she died Lucas held her she started to hallucinate and Lucas became a skeleton representing death Lucas whispered "Let me in, the ability to live is a curse".