
What can you not say about Mother 3? It's a fantastic game. Of course, Nintendo released it only in Japan, but that can't stop you from buying it on eBay or downloading the ROM with the English translation patch.
I actually found the game at a garage sale from an Japanese family with their son going to college. When I went over there to check what they had, I asked the lady nicely, "Do you have any video games?"
She replied, "Yes sir, we have a box full of them."
She handed me a box of probably a hundred Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and Gameboy Advanced games. I checked the box and I saw the game I wanted, Mother 3! I paid $2 for the game, but after I bought the game, the women started to cry for no reason. She looked at me like I did something wrong.
When I came home, I put the game in my Gameboy Advance and started playing it. When I came up to the starting screen, the game suddenly started to glitch up the music, but I didn't notice. I started it up and I saw that the text was English.
I thought, "It's probably just a hack or something." I continued the saved file, and it turns out the game was on the last chapter. I made it all the way to Porky, but I notice he said something weird before I battled him. He said "So, you mange to find your way in here *cough*. You're the animal who has killed many people in this *cough* land, right? I'll end you, beast!"
I never remember him saying anything like that in the original and the English translation dialogue. The battle started. The strange thing is that my team wasn't in the battle, it was just me and Porky. I started to worry, because I may not make it out of the battle alive. I could have a game over.
I attacked Porky with PK fire, and Porky was already beaten. After the "you win" screen, Porky said "Why…why would you do this?" He looked like he was about to die. I started to have a bad feeling in my stomach, so I saved the game and turned off the power switch.
The next day, I had a sudden urge to play the game again. I turned on my GBA, and started from my save file. When I started the game, I heard a strange noise when I opened the file. It sounded like screaming and laughter. "I'm probably hearing things," I said to myself. I found myself talking to the Masked Man when I started up the file. It's weird because I haven't talked to him yet.
It was the final battle, Lucas vs Claus, his own brother. When the battle started, there was no music at all, and Claus looked frightened .I used PK Love on him, and I won without a long battle.
I'm getting these one hit KO's and I don't know why! I was thinking that it maybe was just a simple glitch with the sprites, music, and KO's. After the battle, Claus had a knife stabbed through his chest. I had a big expression on my face when I saw this. Claus started to talk, and he said "Lucas…you're my only brother who I love so much…why are you doing this?"
I walked up to Claus but all it had was an empty message box with nothing on it. I started getting scared. Lucas started talking...he said, "Do you think I care about your suffering?! I wouldn't care less!" I started noticing how Lucas didn't act like his kindhearted self. Music started to play in the background.
It sounded like Lucas' Nightmare but lower pitch and much more creepier. I tried to turn of the game but I couldn't; it wouldn't let me.
The game suddenly teleports me to the graveyard. No music, just silence. I saw graves with the names of all the characters in the game, but not Lucas. Lucas started bleeding from his right eye when I looked at the graves. After looking at all the graves, Lucas says, "You and your friends. Are they dead? Are you happy?" I just looked at the screen with a blank expression. Is he talking to Claus, or…me?
The game started to flash red for two minutes with that music! It's stuck in my head!
The screen turns white and teleported me to a black room. Lucas started to look gory and started smiling an evil smile. In the center of the room floated Giygas. Giygas looked quite disturbing like in Mother 2/Earthbound.
"Why are you mad? Don't be mad or sad. Be happy you all are dead," Giygas said.
Lucas and Giygas said together, "Come out, wherever you are."
I switched off the game and it finally turned off. I tried to tell my brother about what happened, when I remembered he wasn't in the house that night. I was all alone in the dark. I can never escape from it. There's nowhere to run.
''Written by DarkBEN64''