
i was such a my chemical romance fan. i had all the games and movies and albums and that shit!!! 
one day i was playing Gerard unleashed, and then i saw that the mailman had arrived and put somethin g into my mailebox and left. it ws probablt my new mcr album!! yay!
when i opened mail i saw i had a mail from my best friend tom whoi hadn't seen in 2 weeks, and it contained a normal cdr disk and a note. the note said: 'kyel i cnt taek it anymore! i hd to get rid of thsi gaym somehow before it was too late! and i wux hoping youd do it for meeeeee. i can't do it.  hes after me, and if you dont destroya this disk hell come afer u 2! hes too fast or me. plz kule destroy this dog forsaken disk befoe he comes after u too, it's too late for meeeee.' i thought this was weird, but i didn't think a simple gaming dicks could do anything bad. i saw the title was mcr.exe, and i got exited! i wet inside and plyed it! 
when the gaym started i saw it was the first mcr the band gaym ever, and i wus liyk awesome! and i played it. but when i perssed start i  saw something scary appera in a slit second! the title emblem was rusted and ruined with rust and more rust, and the water was hyper reliskit blood, and gerard was in the emblem and he had black eyes with red dots!
ZOMG!!! i got so scared i slit my throat right then and there! 
then i continues playing and was the file select and i was only Mikey, Frank and Ray was avavible as playable characters! wait what!? why wuz ray a platyable character?! i wus freked out, but i decided to choose mikey and suddently the game frozen for 5 seconds (of summer) and then i heard a creppy kefka laugh and it sounded hiper realistik!! 
the stage started and i saw it was a stage. then i saw it was the stage they were on in mexico
's black parade is dead, but boob's drums were burnong, just like his leg in the making of the famous last words music video (lol it was funny)!! i was scared now! then i saw dead fangirls and fanboys who were brutally murdered with hyper realistic blood everywhere, almost ike frnk iero and the celaboration's weighted music video where frnk killed the 5 kids! i laughed at this, but then i cried because i saw my mom in the gaym and i started cytting muself. then i kept playing and ran inyo Gwerdad who had closed eyes, and then he opened them and his eyes were black with red dots!!!
ZOMg Gered was the killah!!! no he can't be! he's the most bootiful emo evur, and also this is a gayming pasta, i'm not supposed to know this shit. shut up and keep reading! 
then a message pooped up and it said 'mama we all go to hell' and i was scraed out of my mind!! then a new levul stated and it was my room! how did this happen?! but i didn't care, so i kept playing, then Mikey got chased by Gerard and then he dropped his bass and tripped over it whhile skrillex started playing his music and then gereard came and killed Mikey!! i cried becus i liked the giraffe legged mkey. 
then the kefka laugh came back and a message said 'you shall not pass!' ans i was throhn to the charracter select and i picked fronk and i herd the laff again, and i got scared again. then i saw the title screen called hell, and i played it. then i ran right and tehn gerard appeared and a messae appeard and said 'so long and goodnight' and then frank got killed by mr.gearad evil.  thwn i saw onlu ry was left. i shuddered. i hated ray. he was so uglu. boob got suked into his afro and never came back! thaqt was why mcr broke up o noes! 
i had to run on spiders and everytime i toughrd one ray 
screamed his ugly scream, and then geard vame up and said i am god and then he likked ray andray died. 
i wuz happy. then i heard someone say 'im like a jacket slut' anf i turend around, and i screamd! becus on my bed was gerard with black eyes and a gerard pklushie with clack badn red eyes too! then  i died! 
the end