One day I wanted to play megaman 2 so I downloaded a megaman 2 rom off a weird website. When it finished downloading I opened the .zip folder. The contents of the .zip scared me. There were 2 files: MEGAMAN.nes and you are going to die.txt. I opened the .txt file. It was just the word "die" repeated over and over. I was scared. 
I opened the rom. The title screen was different. Mega man was crying and his arm ripped off and blood was dripping out of it. There were dark scary clouds in the background and the building that mega man was standing on was destroyed. Instead of the title being "MEGA MAN II" it was just "MEGA II" The only option was 'DIE'. I pressed start. 
On the stage select screen, all of the robot masters had already been defeated. Instead of saying their name beneathed them it just said "DEAD" and there was blood dripping from the boxes. All of the robot masters mugshots had been replaced with skulls with hyperrealistic red eyes. I could only select Dr. Wily's stage.
When I was teleported to the wily stage, wily appeared and stabbed megaman. Then a screen popped up that said "game over", and wily appeared on the game over screen and started dancing. Suddenly, he turned into a skeleton and died and hyperrealistic blood went everywhere.
The end.