Me a fan of Mario, so me play it regularly, fantastic is Mario. Mario is fantastic so me buy Mario game on NES on the eBay. It look weird, written with marker it said 'Mario' but this game weird, it a blue cartridge and it say MaRiO instead of Mario. It was 10 dolla so me buy MaRiO. (TWO OF THA DAYS LATER) It arrive at me doorstep, fantastic I feel, I then try to put it in Xbox and fail. (ANOTHER TWO OF THA DAYS LATER) Me learn you need gimmick called the NES to play, I thought NES was in name. (YET ANOTHER TWO OF THA DAYS LATER) Me order NES on the eBay, me spend 60 dolla, I could've buy Call of Duty 32 : The Return of the Retard but not.
Finally me plug in NES, NES is fantastic, fantastic is Mario. Me pick controller, me realize it not wireless, me mad, me have to move, me have to waste the time. (7 OF THA SECONDS LATER) Boy, that took time, anyway, Me play, Me die, Me wait, Me watch SomeOrdinaryGamers, Me cook up some burger, Me return, finally Mario play, Me get hang of it, me a boss, until the Bowser pop up, I notice tha Bowser is 0.000000007 inches shorter than regular, who thought. He say 'You die, fool' he suck me in, he start to hurt me, he torture me by force me to play Virtual Boy, he has a party yo, he invite me, he plan my demise, he eat apple, he find screwdriver, he start chase me, we have dramatic battle, Me get hidden Ak-47 power-up, me a boss again, me happy. Me start dancing. Me get transported back to livin' room, me tired from fighting tha Bowser, me resell on eBay for 500 dolla, me change label, hopefully you find game, play with me, get my mail address, find the fantastic game, play now.
Want to find out what happened to the guy who bought it, read this post.
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