

The garage sell

I was one day walking down the street, I moved of house so I wanted to know the neighborhood. I was walking past when I saw and old man selling old PC, I really loved old things like Atari, NES, Play Station etc. so I went there to check em' out, for my surprise there were 80's and 90's PC some were, Windows 95' or Imac. So I got an old Windows 95' he told me that it was 5 dollars, I was surprised how cheap it was! Maybe it was because it was full dust and all that things but when I got home.


When I started the PC it had an other user that already log in before it was called "Yt2008Mareana" That really caught my attention because some time before I saw a scary video on youtube named Mareana Morgergard Glesvorg on Youtube and it was uploaded in 2008, it really scared me. Well I though maybe it was just a similarity and it was just an user.


I got a little curios, what was that user about? So I clicked it, and for my surprise it didnt have password so I could enter right away. When I saw hes save files and he desktop there was only one program, Mareana.exe I wonder what was it and when I clicked it it fastly opened the screen, the only thing I saw and heard was ''"Oja, Oja, Oja, Oja"'' I closed the program and went to my mac and I searched in the web what was Oja. Apparently Oja was the guy from Mareana Mordergard Glesvorg who was edited and the background to look creepier and that Mareana Morgergard Glesvorg means "Im gonna rape you" in a foreign language, when I went to my Windows 95' I saw a new program in the user Yt2008Mareana it was youtube, now I got calmed and I said lets see Youtube!

Youtube 2008

When I entered youtube it looked different... It looked like youtube from 2008, I ignored that and went to the search bar but before I could not type anything it fastly typed itself Oja, I now got seriously creeped out so I tried to turn of the Windows 95' and just break it and never see it again but...