
It started on a form, 4Chan. There was this spammer, who would spam an image, called 'Mario.JPG'. This spammer caused a massive effect on that site. The spam link shows flashing lights, loud noises, and faint screams. The spammer was token off the site, but the image will forever infected the site, the image gave others, paranoia, nightmares, and 10% chance of suicide. The spammer was known 'Reddude441', that user posted unsusual content. Later, the JPG. image caused one of the admins on the site to be blind. That user was threatened to stop making these links, or videos. He sended this message, "I didn't made this image, maybe, just a prank, or a glitch." But that doesn't explain that image though.....I believe he was lieing about the picture. The admin of the site, posted proof he made it. But that spammer didn't replie back, luckily, they used his facebook account, and found multiple images. One revealing a dead body, the other picture of a ghost, and one was called 'Mario.JPG', I opened the file. And a loud, low pitched mike can be heard in the background. And this images popped up. This was supposed to be a image from 'Super Mario 64', this gave me a chill down my spine. Then scary music began playing, pictures of dolls hanging, and loud low pitched disorticed music from the original game of 'Super Mario 64', a message popped on screen. This was the last message Reddude441 posted on his account. "I wish, I didn't make this. This is some curse, why is this happening, why, oh why?" That user hasen't been online ever since. There was a another link, it took us into a another image. That read this sentence, "Why is this happening you ask? Well, that's for me to answer, i'm god here." -Reddude441, I continued to the final file, I couldn't open the file. So, I copyed the file, and re-decoded that file. this was shown.....These are the images shown.