
I talked to my friend Mark. He said something was watching him. I had to investigate. I walked through his apartment and saw his corpse.
"Okay, so he's either dead or on his menstrual cycle..." I said to myself.
"He can't be on his period, he ain't got no uterus!" I exclaimed.
I noticed something on his corpse... a CD. It said "Mariorape.EXE" I was a pretty good fan of the Mario Bros. series, and was happy to have the game. As I load it into my computer, my PC crashes. It was the worst virus I've ever had. I put the disc back in and saw that it ran perfectly! After I got past the loading screen, nothing happened... at all. I saw that I could play as... ponies?
'SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" My neighbor swore.
I played through, and it was just a flat plain with no blocks or anything. I could play as Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and a literal poop taken out of the asshole.
They each... died right after I played as them. Mario was raping them somehow... I turned off the PC, only to find a brand new copy of Super Mario 3D World on my desk. I sold it to a child. I'm so fucking evil.