
So I just saw a fucked up Bad Creepypasta video by MichealLeroi so I guess I should tell it to you. So I was looking for some Bad Creepypasta videos by MichealLeroi when I found a video called MichealLeroiJacobSherwood.avi. I got curious so I clicked on it. The video was just BAD CREEPYPASTA- "Laughing Jack" except it was all in GMajor and static noises. But then I saw Jacob running with the camera in a dark alley. He was shouting, "Yuánliàng Wǒ!" 10 times before the camera dropped and the rest of the video was static. I did some research and Yuánliàng Wǒ, translated to "Forgive Me" was this a joke by Jacob? I diddnt know, so I returned with my normal life fapping to porn.