
It was one of the most buityful mornings ive seen in quite some time. I got out of bed, put on my Got Milk shirt,  and then I thought of Milk, witch made me think of cereal. Yes. This would be the perfect morning for cereal. I went down my spiral staircass, well, not so much walked as fell on my honky-tonky ass, and then cried. I walked into the kitchen, got out the cereal, poured it into my bowl and looked in the fridge for the milk. Ah fuck, I can't believe I've done this. No milk.
No, this can not happen to me. I already poured the cereal, I can't just put it back in the box cuz that might make a mess and it would be annoying as having a horse duck tapped to your ass to clean it up. No, I would not let the milk defeat me. I went to the local store to get some. 
There was a woman with no face working as the clerk. I asked her where the milk was. No face, no mouth, no mouth, no talk. She coulden't tell me where the milk was cuz she had no face. Gosh diddily darn. I looked down and started to cry at the store. “No!” I shouted. “I will get the milk if it is the second to last thing I do!”  I ran outside and drove to the farm on the outskirts of town. 
I saw the cow there. I got out of my car, and walked over to it. The old farmer stoped me. “Now hold on there, if you want my cows milk, you'll have to get past me.” I wasen't going to let some old party pooper stop me from getting my milk. I ran over and started beating the shit out him. At this point some police offercers were driving by and saw me beating the shit out of this pour old man. I was sent to prison.
The first day at prison was bad, but my hopes were raised when I saw what todays meal was. Cereal.
It was lunch time and I was the most excited I ever was. I was given my tray and sat at one of the tabels. I took my first spoon-full of cereal. No, the gods can't be so cruel. It can't be, no, why. 
Soy milk.