
You know what people don't talk about, nor consider scary anymore? Mimes. It makes sense- They're less common than clowns, and silence isn't really that scary when someone is wearing black lipstick, pretending they're trapped in a box. Oh god, you never know how something is scary unless something occurs, and by god, that happened to me.
Just call me Dan. I'm about 24 years old, and live off in a secluded area in Nebraska. It's a quiet little state, let me tell you that. I've lived in my own one-story house with a basement, alone, for quite a while. I got a nice job, at least something that supports me with some extra cash. But enough about me, let's just... Move on. I just want to get this tale over.
It was last summer- The mosquitos were relentless, as was the heat. The small waterpark quite a while away was crowded, as was every small ice cream stand. I was at home, currently having a boring my summer vacation. Ready to go to California in a month, but other than that, it was just me, with cookies and watching idiotic youtube videos on my laptop and playing videogames. I know, I sound like a loser, but honestly, I've heard of worse people.
I looked over facebook for a while, lazily scrolling down through my friends and families posts. About ten minutes in, I fell upon my one of my older brother, Sam, posts. This reminded me of how much I hated him- I forgot what the post was about, but it was probably some douchebag comment. Why the hell was I even following him? I knew he wasn't quite fond of me since the day I was born. He bullied me- and others, didn't listen to my parents, and hell, I think he even sold drugs once. I grit my teeth. Oh, how I wanted to see him suffer, slap that shit-eating grin right off of his face. I know that sounds insane, but hey, you try living with a douche for fifteen years. Not even my parents liked his behavior. Maybe I should pull a prank on him? Yeah, I could drive over to his house, at the other side of the state, and try to rob him.
Hell no.
I sighed, ready to close out a window when I noticed an odd looking facebook ad off to the side. It was the most simplest looking ad I've seen in a while- It even used Comic sans. It simply stated, with dark blue text:


I raised a brow. How fucking convenient. I right clicked it, scanning the page for any virus it may or may not have. Strangely, it didn't. I clicked it, and it redirected me to a website a web-design student would make if they were drunk. There were no links, as it had a simple, light red background with dark blue text. Surprisingly, no comic sans. I scanned the small wall of text, as I laughed.
It was instructions for a 'demon summoning ritual'. Sounds like bullshit, doesn't it?
I rolled my eyes as I looked over the instructions. It seemed stupidly simple- Something along the lines of boiling water, pricking your finger, get a picture of the person you want the demon to attack... Im surprised there were no disclaimers talking about how they might drag you to hell. I'll admit- I've seen my fair share of scary stories and movies, so this gave me a small chuckle. There was one instruction that caught my eye, though. It was one of the final steps- 'Write a creatures name in blood- That is the thing that will go for your prey.' I decided to do it for the hell of it- What else was I going to do?
Preparing the small amount of tools- Salt for protection, candles (of course), A selfie Sam took, a pricking tool, steaming water, paper, and a dark room, I casually set everything up in a small room in my basement. I rolled my eyes at myself as I put the boiling bowl of water in front of myself, and got the prick and paper out. Now, what was I going to 'send' to my brother? A giant snake? A spooky skeleton? Pete the dragon, I didn't know. I wasn't really taking this serious- But hey, I knew that Sam wasn't a fan of Mimes, seeing as he winced at any mentions of them. Pricking my finger with a wince, I wrote 'MIME' with my own blood, lit the candles, put the circle of salt around myself, and held the paper and the selfie between my fingers...
And I dropped them into the boiling water.
My candles suddenly went out. I resisted the urge to gasp- What the hell? Did the AC go off at the most scariest fucking time? I sat there, dumbfounded. Did this... Work? No, no. There's no such thing as demons or ghosts. They're scary concepts. but they didn't exist. After a few minutes, I got up, and flicked the lights on. To my surprise, all of the water, the paper, and photo was gone from the bowl.
"What the actual fuck?"
I rubbed my eyes, trying to think of a logical conclusion- Maybe the water evaporated, and the papers just... Dissolved? What a mindfuck. I simply shrugged, blowing away the salt before heading to bed. I didn't have any nightmares, imagine that, but I did get a phone call around 6:50. I checked the called. My mother. Great.
"Ugh, what is it, ma?"
"D-Dan! Y-Your brother..!"
"Calm down... What happened?"
"H-He killed himself! That's what the police told us!"
My jaw dropped. What. Did the ritual- No, it must've been a... Random event. Sam didn't seem like that kind of guy, but... Shit, he's dead. Oh well, like I said, I never liked him. I soon went to his funeral- Several friends silently mourning for the passing, as my mother and father sobbed. After it was all over, I approached my father, as he was rubbing tears out of his eyes.
"Hey, dad... Sorry to pop this question onto you, but... How did he do it?"
"H-He had scratches on his wrists, Dan... Oh, my poor son... Why did he do it?"
"I donno... He didn't seem like that kind of guy."
And with that, I left. I drove back home in silence. Even if I did hate him, he was still my brother. I had a few good memories with him. I stopped by a store and grabbed some more food and a new videogame to help me cope a bit, before heading home. To my surprise, my front door was slightly ajar.
Had someone broken into my home? Great, that's what I needed. I barged in, ready to yell 'hello?', but stopped at the sight I saw. Off to the side, crossing its legs, was a... Mime. No taller than four feet tall, white skin, black messy hair, black pants, black lips, small black eyes... But a red shirt with black stripes. A frown fell upon my face.
"Who the hell are you? Why are you in my house?"
The mime remained silent, simply staring at me with a toothless grin. I huffed, walking towards it to try to intimidate it, but my heart suddenly stopped, as it brought something out. That selfie of my brother. My eyes widened for a moment, before stopping. No. This wasn't real. Maybe this mime was just trying to randomly fuck with me. I grabbed it by the collar, as they were surprisingly light, and tossed them outside. I shut my door, and locked it. I turned around, only to see the Mime, sitting on a chair at the table, gloved hands folded. What the hell? Had I actually summoned a demon into this world? This wasn't possible... Unless that mime got a twin brother to also fuck with me.
"D...Did you kill my brother?"
No response. Not even a nod. I grit my teeth as I decided to try to get the hell out of there- But the door wouldn't unlock. The toothless grin turned into a toothless smile. Shit. I tried all of the doors to the outside- All were locked. I tried calling someone. Of course, the phones didn't work. Nor did my computer. I grunted, stomping over towards the small mime.
"What the fuck do you want?"
The 'mime' just... Stared. Stared with those small, black eyes. Oh well. At least the TV worked, and I had just restocked on food. Each time I went into a new room from now on, the Mime was watching. I decided to give the little fucker a name- Mike. Mime, Mike? Get it? Ugh. Each day went the same- Wake up, eat, watch tv, play video games, eat, go to sleep. Just with a possibly demonic mime watching me. Comfy. After a few days, however, the mime became a little less... Subtle. Mike's back became more hunched, his red shirt with black stripes turned into one that was black with red stripes. Canine teeth made themselves known in Mikes smile, as his gloves turned red. Oh, and of course, red irises. U G H.
I had enough of this. Grabbing a hockey stick from my closet, I gripped the tool in my hands as I looked around for the silent asshole.
"Hey Mike, I got a gift for ya... Come o-"
I was cut off by the sound of something crunching at my feet. It was... A shed skin. A shed skin of the mime, as if he was some sort of reptile. I shuddered, as I looked down the stairs of the basement. It seemed even more pitch black than usual. I grit my teeth and went down the stairs, ready to flick the switch-... By god, I wish I hadn't. I wish I just stayed in my room, playing Mario.
As the light switched on, the now towering form of Mike met me. Razor sharp teeth stuck out of its lips, as black claws had ripped their ways out of red gloves, red irises staring at me. I felt as if I was going to piss myself. Out of instinct, I began to bash the ungodly thing, as it simply let out a soundless laugh, even if it did look somewhat hurt. It grabbed my right wrist by its claws as I attempted to keep bashing with my left hand. I knew it was done playing with me. I was going to end up like my brother. A thick, forked tongue stuck out of its mouth, as I began to use my weight to lift myself up and kick it right in the jaw. It twitched, releasing me, as I stumbled up the stairs. If it could roar, it would, as I slammed the basement door shut. Surprisingly, it didn't barge out of there.
And that's what happened. I sound insane, don't I? Well, you can come over and see the beast still in my basement. Since that fateful day, my doors became unlocked, my computer and phones began to work again... I knew nobody would believe me, so I said hell, and decided to post it on this website. Maybe some trolls will understand.
I doubt that, though.
I hear scratching, now. I checked. The doors are locked again.
Goodbye, it seems.