
Minecraft is a awesome game… but secrets lie behind.
One day i was playing minecraft,, whenn the title changed to "MINCERAFT"".
I thought this was a glitch, so i ignored it.
I went on Singleplayer, and a world appeared called "2 lesihC". It was hardcore mode on, but with cheats. That's impossible!
When i went on 2 lesihC, 2 zombies appeared. I had a stone sword already, so i killed them. They made disorted and reverse sounds when they died.
My stone sword dissapeared after they were killed, but that stone sword was replaced by a iron sword.
The Ender Dragon appeared, but not moving.
He looked at me.
The chat said:
What a nice iron sword you have there. Can i have one?
I shook my head in game saying "yes". I gave him a iron sword.
That Ender Dragon was crying happy.
He flyed away to his home.

= Now stuff get creepy I =

5 minutes later, i noticed a creeper at my base. He was alike like 's creeper.
He didint explode, but he followed me.
I made him walk into a hole(notice i'm in 1.7.10!).
He died.
I then went to my base, and looked in my chest.
There was a item in it called "Chisel".
Another one was called "Copper".
And another one was called "Bronze".
The chest had 10 copper and 20 bronze sorted out.
I crafted a bronze pick, and started mining.
Then i saw a ore named "Tin Ore".
I thought this was a hack/mod/glitch.
I picked up the Tin Ore, and smelted it.
With tin, i could create tin containers for liquids.
So i stored alot of water
Stored alott of lava
I found a tree that was shaped like a Y.
I cut it down, and recivedd Tree Blood and Plastic.
With tree blood, i could create a Sapling and a Cow Spawn Egg.
I spawned the cow, alike 's cows.
I crafted a sapling and planted it.
Then i mined again.
The process repated.
I found a new ore named "Shiny".
I thought it was powerful, so i crafted a chestplate with that Shiny.
80 zombies spawned around me, but i only had a Shiny Sword.
The zombies killed me already, but i could respawn.
I typed in chat:
/gamemode creative
But it changed me to Adventure Mode.
I tryed to do it again, and it worked.
The chat said in yellow:
Exterquat has joined the game.
I talked to him, and we had a fine chat
Here is some knowledge:
How did you get in here? i was playing singleplayerr…
uhh, i guess someone told me to play this server, and did you make this LAN?
I already turned LAN on.
I forgot, lan is on! XD
Then we became friends.
I changed his gamemodee to creative and he killed all of the zombies.
The server shut down randomly.
The end.