
i used to be a normal boy. i played games, watched tv and looked at all the spicest mems that are super hot right now. some guy came up to me and said "hey kid do u want FREE minecraft?" of course i agreed and he said "play it while u can sonny boi." i then ran as fast as sonic back to my house. i put the minecraft dvd in my windows 98 computer. i saw steve come up with super duper hyper real blood shot eyes. i got scared and the jumped back. so then the REAL game started and i saw the title with steve and alex with super hyper real blood all over them! i got kinda and a little scared. i then started the game. then it only had one world called "hell 666 satan is my dad." i then clicked joined. it was all very spoopy and then something never u exepected happened!11. I then saw alex brutatly stab alex with super hyper real blood. i then shut off the gam crying my eyes out. my waifu alex had just died! i then told my dad who owNED MIRCOSOFT BY THE WAY. i try to tell this to my friend but they all laugh at me :(. I then took a gun. and went to my friends house. i shot all my friends because they didnt believe me. they all died. i shot everyone also there was super hyper real blood. i was known as the minecraft killer.
story was by: kirowa/mace