
At uncle's house in Coasta Rica
Never a fun time in my opinion
Dad drinking beer with uncle
Heavily intoxicated they are
Invite me to the basement my uncle does
Says he wants to play Wii
Now it's getting interesting
And I follow him down there, no cares
Me and him get to the bottom, he closes door
Excessively cracking his knuckles
Wii = nowhere
As he rips off his disguise, I gasp
Stupid me, I fell into his trap!
Juvenile person is standing in front of me
Oh no.mov
Hate is burning in his eyes
Now, I'm shaking
Carries me to the stairs and body slams me into the stairs
Exits after injuring me, I'm crying
Never knew who it was after that day
A few years later, I get a letter in the mail, telling me to read the first letter of every line.