
okay so about 5 days ago i had bought this game of nintendogs. it's actually supposed to be a really awesome game. i went to the store to buy one. i bought what seemed to be a normal copy of the game 'nintendogs- lab and friends'. i only took it because labs are my favourite dogs. especially golden labs. i was driven home, all the while eying the valuble game in my hands. the lab on the case cover looked as cute as ever. as i stared at it on the long drive home, suddenly the lab's eyed looked steaight at me. i was pretty freaked out, so i blinked a few times. when i saw it again the lab was looking left again. i initially thought that it was my imagination or it was because of the low light in the car.
so as i reached home i speedily dashed to my room and booted up my nintendo DS. it opened up normally, and i started the game. i started off with a lab, obviously. i prepared to go through the tedious process of naming it. however, the first time i said the word aloud, the dog learnt it instantly! i did'nt thnk that was possible, but i just thought of it as a bug. it didn't matter. i called it 'rough' mainly because the word sounded like the bark the dog made. i started to play with rough as usual. (the reason i know so much about nintendogs is because i played it with my friend before).
as i went for rough's first walk, things got weird. first of all, a mystery mark/question mark was just outside my house. i found that kind of weird. but in a way, it was good luck to me. i moved my track across it,(like i had a choice) and made a tiny circle aroun the house, rough's stamina being so short. rough started walking, and instantly stepped on the mark. he barked twice(which means there is anothr dog there) and then he ran into whiteness. then he appeared with another dog across him. only this dog didn't look normal. it was a pure white laborador. and his eyes. his eyes were empty sockets. empty red sockets.
{{By|Adyot Rajadhyaksha|cpwuser=yes}}