
This is my Minecraft experience. Notch is evil.

Finding the Game

I had heard my friends talking about Minecraft, and I decided it sounded cool.
Having it would also get me some new friends. They ditched me during their Minecraft conversation, and I wanted to talk. I piped in, but my comment was apparently "nooby".
Naturally, they tried to kill me. I blinked and when I opened my eyes they all had Notch hats. I ran.
After turning several corners, I could barely breathe. I turned around to see them still running. But this time, they all looked like Notch! I picked up a trash can and rolled it towards them. They all tripped when it hit them. That gave me time to run.
When finally got exausted I stopped. I had already lost them, so it was okay. I sat down for about 5 minutes until I saw a Notch come around the corner of the alley I was hiding in. Except this time, his eyes were black with red pupils and dripping blood.
Before I could kick him in the face and run, several more came. They knocked me out.
I woke up in a dark room in front of a computer. Minecraft was open. Of course, I played it.

Playing the Game

I spawned in a Savannah. Behind it was a large pickachu, and on either side was plains. In front of it was a river with a forest on the other side. I decided to get some wood.
I soon had plenty of coal, iron, wood and stone so I built built a house. I had no wool, so I had to mine that night. I started to dig straight down in the corner of my house.
After about 15 blocks down, I landed in a dungeon. It was lit by purple torches (which I discovered later aren't even in Minecraft). The floor was obsidian and the walls stone bricks.
However, only a bit one wall was showing. The other three had massive paintings completely covering them. They were all the same picture: Notch.  Except the one in the middle was evil Notch.Terrified, I broke the paintings. The first two made enderman sounds when broken. The last, which was evil Notch, exploded.
I respawned in a throne room. The hall had pillars supporting the ceiling that was too high to see. The floor was also obsidian, but the walls were quartz.
On the white throne sat Notch. He wasn't evil Notch, just the normal one. It was still disturbing, though. He wasn't made of blocks. He was like a moving photo in the game.
Naturally, I ran over the punch his shin. When I did, the screen turned black. An image of evil Notch flashed for a split second.
The computer melted, and would've burnt me if I hadn't already gotten out of my seat. I still couldn't see though. A spark illuminated the room for a split second, and there were atleast ten evil Notches surrounding me.
Then I died. THE END