
What the nutshack is

the nutshack is the best anime ever you should go watch it it's very


The story

I used to be an nutshack fan. i had all the merch and was the only person who ever watched it (i really dont know why). So one day, i contacted on of the peple who worked on the nurtshack and he said what do you want. i said i want an episode of the nutshack. He said, "ok bitch here's this lost episode don't watch it ever ok." I was so (sexually) excited that i has a lost episod of my favorite sitcom ever. I loaded the file on my video player. The theme song played, but was weird. The nutshack logo loooked all bluddy and shit! but because that's totally not a sign that bad shit will happin. so the episod started and they were at the apartmint. tito dick was like i dont luv you anymor phil dieeee. He puller i knif out of his dick and sliced phils balls off. then phil died to death and his crotch area was blood red. then he went after jack. jack was masturbating in his room. he then grabbed jack by the boner and threw him against the wall. then dick killed jack by throwing him out the window. He then nuked the city and every died. Then he turned into Squidward's Suicide the Kiler and then he said YOUR'RE NEXT. i was so scared. then dick broke into my room, chopped my dick off, and raped me to death. so if you ever find the lost episode, dont watch it or youll be raped by dick and get your dick chopped off.