
Hello guys, I had this Super Original Character that was called Cinos (Sonic backwards, SO EDGY!!!) and HE IS TOTALLY ORIGINAL (NOT A RECOLOR).
So i was like, does someone want do lick my super original character balls and make tons of yaoi drawing with your own fan character ? I didn't get a response :(A guy named GONNAKILLYOU said that he loved my character and asked me if he had permission to make a fangame about him, he also asked my adress and all my passwords, how could I refuse ? He then made a game called OriginalCharacter.MP3 and I decided to play it.
It was so strange, Cinos the Hedgefoxwolfchidna was bloody with blood all over his blood...it was so real like I could put his blood on my mouth and spit it on my mother. he had empty eyesockets and a large giant big grim on his face. He said: BOBBY! LET'S PLAY!'' I looked at the time and said ''nah,it's too late I gotta go to sleep, kthxbai'' and I went to sleep.''
I woke up with my Cinos on the roof staring at me saying ''GO TO SLEEP'' and I was like ''Again?''he said ''Yeah'' and I slept again
. I woke up with him with large tentacles and a knife on each of them, he said ''You know what time is it?'' I responded ''It's 6:66'' then he started floating and with every single one of his knifes he cutted my birthday cake, he said ''It's your birthday too!'' I was like''Thanks bro'' and he then said ''Oh and GONNAKILLYOU is behind you'' I looked back and saw a saw.I was like ''Bro, he is a saw'' and he responded '' He saw you fapping the other day.'' I started to cry and with my Holy Water Gun I killed them shooting water at them with my Holy Water Gun.
(Don't Steal)
Made by:Aylus :D
(Don't Steal my super original creepypasta)