

This is the sequel to Cliche.exe. It is my previous project.
My friend helped me out on this one.
And here's my skype.


So one up time,
I was in the alley and there was this guy who walked up to me, and he gave me a disk. It was a blank disk with Cliche.exe written on it with black marker, so I went back home with it. And I put it in my Gaystation 2, so then, it looked like a normal game, it first showed up as Bill Cosby Fun Game. I played for while, and I killed some people, which was fun. But then I started seeing blood.
There was hyper-realistic blood everywhere. Bill Cosby was mangled on the ground with his skins and fleshies cut opened. He was dieded. Some of his organ was missing. So I kept playing thinking it was a glitch. So later in the game, I lost, because for some unknown mysterious reason, the cops came, because I didn't dug a deeper holes. The game never telled me about holes increasing.
So then I runded from the cops, and I ranned into a alley is, it was the same alley i is in earlier, and the same guy was there. The guy says, "Are you enjoying your new game?". I saw his eyeses were glowing red, and blood was leeking from his mouthes, and then the shirt he was wearing was white and had reed hyper-realistic bloodies stain on his shirts. I was scareded and I rans away. I ran into another alley, and the man said, "Why do you want to run from me?".
I got scareded 2 deaths, so I unpluggeded my Gaystation 2 but it stayded ons. So instead of breaking my televisionario, I decided to keep play game. I saw Bill Cosby again, he was still dieded. But when I swinged my weapons he got up like a zombies and swingded his weapons. I made him murdered someone and they dieded. Their body got burn and they screamed hyper-realisticed they then blooded on walkside and I still had my chocolates pudding. But there was something wrong, all my chocolate pudding has turning into cups of skunked diarrhea.
I could of realisticly smelled it through my Gaystation 2. Then I plugged my knows, then I suffocated and dieded. I saw hell for 5 seconds, then all of the sudden I is drop in front of Gaystation, with Bill Cosby. Then I saw Bill Cosby, staring at me, with his face filling up hole screens. Then I heared whispers behind me... I heard "Behind you". I was scareded agen. I screamed for my mommy. She whispered "I'm right here" I turnded, hyper-realistic blodies on her face. I ran for door, Bill Cosbee was der. Holdin puddin.
I screemeded and he offered me puddin. I said "No it is may bee skunkered diarrheas". He then hitted me with his carmra, and I dieded. I then exploderized and hyper-realistic blod is spray all over rooms. I then turned even tho I was died, and saw a blody Bill Cosby plushy, sitted on my beds. I downthumbered. It is then killed me and I dieded hyper-realisticaly.
teh edn