I was no-scoping one day and suddenly a Blue Screen of Death showed up, and of course, I got mad, and cried while listening to edgy music as I banged my head on the keyboard like the autistic fuck I am.
Or at least, I ''thought'' it was a Blue Screen of Death...
Upon closer inspection, my autism and I realized that it wasn't an ordinary Blue Screen of Death.
It was a hyper-realistic 

Pingas Screen of Death, or PSoD

for short.
My autism couldn't handle it. I went full retard and banged on the computer monitor while stroking my dick against the Escape key.
It was no use.
I grabbed my furry porn and shoved it deep into my rectum as I let out an agonizing scream, hoping for the PSoD to go away.
But again, 

it was no use

I twerked in front of the computer like a prostitute begging for cash, flashing my dick at the webcam, until I just remembered that my ex-girlfriend hacked my computer and could see through my webcam, recording my every movement and publishing it on YouTube.
That's when I jumped out of the balcony in an attempt to kill myself. I survived, and went back into my apartment, only to realize that the PSoD...
So I just did as the PSoD told me, I called Sanic and he said "FUCK YOU, GOTTA GO FAST" and hung up on me, no matter how many times I called him. When I called Dr. Robotnik however, he said something a lot more weird...
"Frustration with the new trailer for the divition?", asked Robotnik.
"Uh... What?", I replied.
"Africa-threatening, Google is the audible crowd and frustration with the divition to take out a Dios decision on the divition.", said Robotnik.
"Dude, what are you even saying? Speak English, moron. The PSoD appeared on my computer and I don't know how to..."
Before I could finish my sentence, Robotnik got mad, yelling "PINGAS" onto the phone, and hanging up. Each time I tried to call him, he wouldn't answer. I got frustrated (NOT WITH THE NEW TRAILER FOR THE DIVITION DAMN IT), and banged my head on the keyboard again.
That's when my autism and I have realized...
Why don't I just plug the PC out?
I did so, but nothing happened.
The screen turned black for a while, then it just showed me the PSoD again, but this time it was red.
I plugged the PC back in and plugged it out again, and now the PSoD turned black.
I did the same thing once more, and the entire universe asploded and everyone ded.
The End