
One morning, i went outside to a fire and saw paper with text said "4ynak69. play wiRH us on ur wiNdow 95!!11" said papeR. i shout adn ren fest for me lief, i was 1,999,222 years oLder at The heSd i OOpen game named paper and a spooky skeleton saId, "Get in the fucking computer, you nuisance" and I did!!1!!
i went into a pinappl where a paper said "Get in my mouth you fucking ass" and i did!1! he ate me and said "skeleton will giev yout a surpeirso latr" and I went down.
i jumped down a questionably long hole that was never ending, until dropping onto soil tat brok me toof! i seid "but i have adul-t teeth1!, how they brok so faest!?"
Okay, I'm starting to see a pattern here of unoriginal jokes and idea- Oh! I mean, "wHAT IS INsid soIl that mAke hrd?>.>??/"
then as promised, a spoopkuy skelotpon raised its boney fist and fucking penetrated me with its iron fist1!! and i awoken from slumber!
as i woke a paper grab wire adn trid to chocke me whth ihit os i didnsht wahnt to die1!!1!! i jsaid
Paragraph Unoriginal
alright this fucking story is crap alright roll the credits
directed by - mentally disabled kid we found on the streets