
I'm a total crack addict like everyone else. I like the newer shit that's blue, But I don't mind the classics like the crystal clear shit. I don't think I've ever smoked glitchy or hacked meth before. Though I don't think I want to smoke any after the shit I experienced. (jk lol)
It was on planet earth, When I was watching Breaking Bad (I liked how it had meth in it.) Until I noticed that the mailman had put something in my mom as usual and left. I also saw some meth and a note from my bae Chef, I noticed the handwriting was really fucked up as if he was an autistic pigeon, Or just having a massive fap while writing it. Anyway this shit does not matter, The note said.
I can't cook anymore, I had to get rid of the lab before it was too late, And I was hoping you'd do it for me *wink wink lenny face* I can't do it, Hank's after me, And if you don't destroy the meth I sent you, Hank will come after you too, He's 2fat4me
Please Beisenherg, Destroy the meth before I think you're a moron like MadWulf, Oh and something about a DEAD (spoilers lol) D.E.A Agent coming after you and spookiness.
I mean fucking hell Beisenherg, Destroy the meth it's not like I've said this over nine thousand fucking times."
Well, That was really hot. Even though Chef is my m8 and I have not cooked with him since 2014 (FUCKING HELL CHEF) I didn't destroy the meth though, I smoked it and played some shit called "DeMadWulf.exe" I saw the game was "Hatoful Boyfriend" *click* Nice, Because earlier I said I was actually Michael Rosen in disguise, And I pressed start I saw the title image of the pigeon turned into DeMadDick, Except his cock was bright red and had hyper-realistic bloddyness coming out of it (Blimey.) And the sky had Ebola in it, The sea of bird semen had turned black, The FNaF 1987 had turned into NIGS 420, I knew this was all a glitch though because Jennifer Lawrence. And then another spoky thing happened, I heard Justin Boober and the save file for "APB Reloaded" was there and I was like. "Game pels." But then I was like. "lol" Butt (;e;) I noticed something hot, It was Mark Sabine without any clothes on, Mikel "Pels" Rosen was there fucking his face. He said "Aw in the mouth it was lovely." The music was Darude - Sandstorm in reverse and there were 4.20 save files, And the image for the save files that shows the level was, A bag of plums!
What made me even more hot was, The character selection screen, It included, Michael Rosen, Me, Chef, And moronaple?!?!?!?
I was like "Idiot pels" That's when I realized this that this wasn't a modded game, It was a skyfoogled game. Yeah it so looked fucked by the SKYFOOGLE! I'm a bisexual gamer, So I was not scared. (Or at least, Not by the SKYYYYFOOOGLE) I told myself that the SKYFOOGLE dies instantly if you shoot your PLUM gun at him, Really good. Shaking off the gay feeling I started playing, I picked Chef and then he just fell over and died. So sad,
Such a sad.
Sad place.
So of course I had to pick me, I saw MADWULF.EXE and then I keeled over and DIED!
I picked moronaple and he got raped by the EBOLAFOOGLE, *click* Nice.
And then I picked Michael Rosen,
The, King of The PLUMS!
Michael Rosen pulled out his PLUM gun and killed all the bad guys, And everything was lovely once again, Ah. Wonderful.


I saw on my bed, Was a SKYFOOGLE plushie, Staring at me. With HYPER-REALISTIC cum stains on its eyes.