
This is the story of my really big monster plant.
My plant was huge. Like really huge bro. Like it had fucking veins on it and it was flowing blood and it choked out three people. The police came to it's house to arrest it shortly after. The plant denied any claims of it being guilty and ate the police officer. The police officer soon went on a killing spree inside of the plant's stomach and had to fight off zombies.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" The plant screams while the police officer is murdering countless innocents inside of his belly.
The police officer approaches the plant's acid. His daily dosage of acid and attempts to bust the plant for drug possesion. Jerry was sitting with the police officer attempting to strike a conversation.
"Hi, I'm Jerry, star of Seinfeld and acclaimed comedian. How are you today." Jerry tells the police officer
"Sorry but I'm only here to bust this shithead and eat bananas motherfucker." The police officer replies in a brooding manner
"You don't know what you're getting yourself into fucker. This plant isn't like any other plant. It does ten thousand million pushups and eats police like you for breakfast. Just stay in here eating other human beings like I do" Jerry screams at the police officer whilst holding him up from his shirt.
"THE PLANT IS MY PREY AND I WILL KILL IT. Who do you think you are eating human beings without me. I bet you don't even roast them like a true cannibal you disgusting motherfucker. I see ten of you a day and teach every one of them how to cook, too." The officer tells Jerry while spitting on his face and shitting on the ground. Soon after, the plant while doing it's ten thousand billion trillion pushups gets liver poisoning and decides to eat green. Yes, green the literal color green he wants to rob the universe of the color green.
"MWHHAHAHAHAHAHA" The plat heckles
"We've got to stop him. Without green, the world doesn't go round. WHAT COLOR WILL WE PRINT MONEY?! TELL ME!" Jerry says whilst panicking
"SNAP OUT OF IT JERRY! We've got to do it together" The police officer says after slapping the middle aged man
"But BUT HOW" that's all he says there's no badly written description here
"I'VE GOT AN IDEA" The policer stares at the green wall laying in front of him and starts eating. "We've got to eat ourselves out of here"
"THAT'S genius" Jerry replies while kissing the man and rips through the plant finally killing him
"I loved this plant like my own mother but it had to betray me. WWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHY" He breakdowns and cries
The end