

One day, i was at my Computer looking up Some Hot Fuckin Tentacle Hentai. Then i got Bored so i decided to Play some PokeMon. so i looked for a PokeMon Game to Download and i eventually found one called PokeMon.EXE, and being the generic Creepypasta protagonist who never listens to my common sense, i clicked it. i downloaded it and then i started it. the title screen was all bloody and had 666 written all over it and it had Pikachus with hyper-realistic blood coming out of their eyes. I shrugged it off thinking it was a minor glitch and pressed new game. i then got a message that said "TURN BACK" and i shrugged it off thinking it was a minor glitch and clicked i don't fucking care you stupid fucking text box, and started playing. in the game i took control of Pikachu that had blood splatterd on him and it was a side scroller, i then walk forward but there is nothing, after a few seconds of running a hyper realistic picture of spongebob popped up and it was so scary i pooped my pants and then a skeleton popped out and killed me THE END.