
(PLEASE NOTE: I do not intend for this to copy or be based off of any other CreepyPasta or TrollPasta in any way. The character is also not based off of me or any real events, nor the storyline or anything he does. He is Onus Ponere, I am John G.)

Onus Ponere, an only child aged 14, has a pretty good life at school. He has enough friends for him and he's never been teased. Sure, his friends call him Anus, but that's what friends do. Most of all he loves to sing. His father, however, has a much different opinion.
To Damien Ponere, a guy singing is gay and very, very disgraceful, and his son Onus is no exception. When he was a kid, his father taught him about the importance of staying masculine so you can attract women.
He's never liked Onus very much. His wife, Onus' mother, died while giving birth to him. It was that kid's fault his wife was dead.
Onus will often sing to himself in his room, but his father will still hear him. His face is familiar with his father's belt like the rest of his body is. Each time he's heard singing, his father would beat him. This has gone on since he was 5, when he started singing.
"S-Stop!" He shouts, but he knows he won't get out of this until his father decides he's had his punishment. A loud gasp leaves his mouth as the whip comes into contact with the side of his face, this time the sharp buckle pierced the skin and left a large gash across his cheek.
"Damn it.." Damien brought his face up to Onus' to examine the wound. If he's allowed to go to school with this, he'll be asked about it. If he's asked about it, he'll give answers. If he gives answers, Damien will go to jail.
While Damien was in his thoughts, Onus took the chance to grab the belt and wrap it around his father's throat, shoving him away. He quickly reaches to his father's pocket, pulling out a pocket knife and using it to slit Damien's throat and smiling to himself as he watched his first victim perish. He was filled with a certain high, he wanted to do this again to get this feeling again.
"Such a nice corpse, I wouldn't want my deed to go unnoticed~"
Onus skinned the corpse and put the skin over himself like a cape. "Perfect, the world shall know of my accomplishment!"
The next day, March 20, 2014, Onus happily wore the cape to school. Blood dripped down his arms and legs and stained his shirt. He didn't seem to care, though.
He was immediately sent to the counselor's office.
It was a dreadful hour. He was locked in a room with someone who kept telling him he didn't respond appropriately. Someone who didn't understand him.
"You'd make a fine addition to my collection~" His bright blue eyes sparkled with excitement as he stood up, walking over to the confused counselor.
He then proceeded to carve a new cape out of the counselor.
The police had been called but by the time they got there Onus was gone. He hid in the basement of his old house, traps set up so that people would be killed when they tried to go down. He would then check the stairs and skin the victims. None of it would give him the same pleasure as he got with his father. He would still search.
To this day he crawls into the windows of people singing in their rooms. "Shh, Daddy says we have to be quiet. You will be punished." He will whisper before he will kill the victim and skin them for a new addition to his collection.