I was once a big fan of the movie, Robots. After seeing the movie Robots in the theaters, I was ecstatic, which made me want to buy a DVD of the movie. Luckily, my friend told me that there was a Robots DVD on sale for a cheap price of $1.00 at the dollar store. Filled with excitement, I thanked my friend for the info and drove to the dollar store. In the dollar store, I searched for the DVD and soon enough, I found it but the box was called, ROBOTS.AVI. I didn't really mind as I thought that it'll be a bootleg DVD. Thereafter, I went to the cashier and bought the DVD. "I see you're getting a bootleg DVD," said the Cashier. "Yeah hehe," I replied. I drove back home and inserted the DVD on the DVD player. Like any other bootleg DVD, the menu is just the picture of the movie Robots with only the play button and the option button. I pressed play and watched the movie. The movie was like the usual, with Rodney Copperbottom leaving his town to go to Bigweld as he was inspired by him to invent  Wonderbot. All goes well with me enjoying the movie. However, after the end of the movie, when Rodney Copperbottom's father was about to play the horn, it cut to complete black. All I hear was whispering, whispers talking about malicious intentions. After a while, it cut back to the movie at the location of the Chop Shop, which was a place where scrap metal would turn into upgrades. In the furnace emerged Madame Gasket and it terrified me of how she looked. She had melted from the fires of the furnace and she was screaming in pains of agony. She wanted to get revenge after what Rodney Copperbottom did to her. So, she went out of the Chop Shop and go to the town where Rodney lives. It then cut to static and it was seen in a first-person view.
                The view looks to be from Madame Gasket behind the ceremony. She pushed the other robots with her burnt, robotic, arms and lunged at Rodney Copperbottom. She was strangeling Rodney Copperbottom. Rodney was dying as he was being burned by Madame Gasket. She pulled the head of Rodney Copperbottom and chewed his head with her sharp, rusted, teeth. It went to static again which annoyed me because I wanted to see what happened after his head was eaten. But, I could hear some screams of terror and a distinct, raspy scream which made me jumped from my sofa as it was loud. After that, it just ended in the credits like if nothing happened. Quickly, I took eject the DVD out of my DVD player, put it back to the box, and bury it in the backyard so no one can find it. I went back inside my house and thought to myself, "Who would put a gruesome scene onto this movie?" I wanted answers, but it would be futile. A week had passed and I still get nightmares about that scene with Madame Gasket and Rodney Copperbottom. To end this terror, I decided to destroy the disk shred by shred. I dug the DVD box out of the dirt and opened it to see the DVD. Next, I started the lawn mower and mowed the DVD along with pointing the middle finger at the DVD. "Finally, it's over.," I said after sighing. The deed was done and I decided to come to my friend's house to watch a show or movie. My friend showed me the movie we were going to watch, telling me that it's my favorite movie along with saying that she found it from a store. I was shocked to see that the movie was...ROBOTS.AVI.